Chapter 15 Innocence amongst people

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Dear Melissa,

It's been weeks. Weeks since I last saw you, talked to you. Weeks since I had a lead on you. I have no clue where you are at the moment, maybe you're dead? Maybe, you're alive? It doesn't matter at the time, because for whatever reason you don't want to be found. I would know because I've been searching for you for weeks now with no success. I even went back to your hometown, Georgetown, but no one seemed to have seen you. They all said that Melissa Summers, either died a long time ago or ran away to another country. But a woman named Jade Winchester had been asking about the Summers family recently. Asking about the man who murdered them. Jade Winchester. I knew straight away it was you because you're smart Melissa, you don't want to be found. I don't even know if you get my letters, I send you, if you even read them. Maybe you just don't care? Maybe you just want me to let you go?

It would be so much easier if I just let you go, wouldn't it? But, Melissa, I can't do that. You want to know why? It's for the same reason I told you in my last letter, the same reason I have told you before. Because you're my family. The only family I got left. I don't know if that even matters to you anymore. But it matters to me. So, I'll find you, I will, and when I do, I will either drag your ass back home or be killed trying to. You see, just like you, I can't be stopped. I can't. Nobody can stop me. As I've said before,

Remember who the real enemy is.

Always yours, Sam

Sam glanced at the letter before giving it to the postman who rode away. He looked back at the post office where his letter now would be shipped away. It had been weeks since he had a lead on Melissa. He hadn't found nothing about her, except that she had used a fake name in Georgetown and asked around for this Jack Tannen who apparently was the murder of Lilly and Matthew Summers. He looked over the hill where the post man had rode away with his letter, hoping that it would reach Melissa, not that he thought that his words would change her mind in any kind, but he was hoping that she at least would write him back so he would know if she was alive or not.

But somehow, his gut feeling told him that she was alive, and his feeling also told him that he needed to find her before she did anything more stupid than she already had done.

John Wilkes was of course the new Sheriff in Grand Junction and he wanted to find Melissa because of Sheriff Hinton. But Sam had somehow talked him into not going after her at the moment, that he would take care of Melissa if he found her. Although, this was a lie, because if Sam found Melissa, alive and in one piece, he wouldn't bring her back to Grand Junction, he would go with her to start over someplace new, even if he thought what she had done was wrong, but family forgives and Melissa was the only family Sam had left.

Sam mounted his horse Bob as his mind was still in the wind, worried for Melissa who he thought would never be seen again.

He rode the long and empty path home, where he knew it would be even more lonely. When he reached the farm, he stopped and looked at it. A big sigh left his body as he jumped down from Bob and led him into the pasture. While patting Bob's neck he noticed a man further down, coming riding towards him. He could tell straight away who the man was. John of course, or, Sheriff nowadays. He had a regular habit of coming to Sam's farm, either to chat or to bring him work to do. Sam walked out of the pasture as he waited for John to reach him. The horse he was riding was big, black and strong, the same black mane as John had. Looked like they made a perfect team. As John reached Sam he stopped, jumped down from his horse and took a step forward.

"John." Sam said as he looked at him. John smiled a little as he fixed his brown hat.

"Sheriff, if you may." John said as he smiled. Believe it or not, the two boys had grown friends. Sam still thought that John was a stubborn and weird man but the many jobs they had worked together had made them friends.

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