Chapter 18 Laws will not hold me back

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Outside the general store in Cody, Wyoming, Sam Andrews could be seen. Smoking and breathing in the clear morning air. Smoking wasn't something he used to do, nor was very proud of, it was a bad habit he had picked up by being a lawman and being out on the road for several weeks, almost two months now, in search for Melissa who seemed to be lost in the wind to never be found again.

He sat down on a bench, inspecting and looking over all the people, roaming the streets. Because he was very young still, and attractive he got many flirtish looks from many women passing by him. Being a lawman certainly helped as well, due to all the women and men for that matter, thinking that lawmen were true heroes and fighter of the good. Although, Sam didn't think that he was a fighter of the good, seeing that the only reason he was fighting the one criminal he was chasing after now, was to save her. Besides, he never cared of the women passing by, flirting with him, he wasn't that sort of man that would, he had never been.

Suddenly the door to the general store opened and John came out, dressed as usual with his sheriffs star whom he seemed very proud of, and in his black long coat that reminded Sam of Melissa's black coat she always wore. A huge smile appeared on John's face as he sat down, with whisky in his left hand and a note in the other. His huge grin seemed to tell Sam that he had got yet another secret note from the lady owning the place where all the working ladies worked. The two boys had stayed in town for almost a week now, they seemed to like it very well there. But the real reason for their staying was because the Sheriff, Cole Aiden, had a lead on a woman that seemed to be Melissa.

However, Sam was keen to be moving on, but John, seemed to be wanting to stay and Sam knew the reason and it wasn't because of what the Sheriff had told them when they arrived. No, no, it was because of Eliza Bloom, the lady John had got the note from.

Sam shook his head as he blow some smoke out from his lungs and kept a sharp eye over at the place where Eliza had all her working girls. John smiled to himself and manly patted Sam's back.

"Whatever is the problem with you, deputy Sam Andrews?" He said as he sometimes liked to say his whole name and add deputy in it, for some reason Sam didn't understand.

"The problem is that we should be moving on, not sitting in this useless town while you pass secret notes with your girlfriend." Sam said as he threw the cigarette on the street, another bad habit he had picked up from the law life.

"Oh, don't be jealous Mr. Andrews. Miss Bloom says she has plenty of girls for both you and me." He said as he leaned very closely to Sam." And get this, it's free for us because we're lawmen, so pick one Sam! Take some time to relax, you've earned it." John said as he still leaned his weight on him.

Sam pushed him off and stood up in an anger motion as he thought John was being awfully disrespectful for being a "professional Sheriff" or whatever he called it.

"I don't pay for such matters, it's wrong." He said as he leaned on a pole outside the store, with his back towards John and his eyes over the streets once again. He shoved his hand down his pocket and reached other cigarette.

"You don't have to pay, boy, it's for free, and beautiful Eliza asked me kindly to come over tonight." John said as he stood up and laid a hand on Sam's shoulder, that Sam immediately pushed off again, not even looking at him. John backed off and shook his head at him.

"Easy there woman, Christ you're emotional. Since when do you smoke?" John asked as he looked at the smoke Sam blew out from his lungs.

"Since you wouldn't spare me the talk of you and Miss Bloom, I'm trying to forget all the details." He said as he threw another cigarette on the ground. "And I'm not emotional, I just want to work and not flap around with some random woman, unlike you."

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