Chapter 14 No Return

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Hey guys! Thank you all for reading my story. It's nice to know that you enjoy it! Further down in this chapter I borrowed something from the game Red Dead Redemption 2, a game I think you all have heard of. Anyway, it's a song I borrowed, so it will be somewhat a surprise! I hope you enjoy it, and I just wanted to let you know that it's not my song, it's a song from the game, in case anyone's wondering. Anyway, thank you all for your support, here is chapter 14, No Return. :)

The fires flames reached up to the morning sky. It was clear blue, and the sun was just up. By the edge of a high mountain sat Melissa. Her mind deeply thinking of everything that had happened the last days. She was sitting down by the fire, while looking out over the beautiful view. She could see miles long forests and high mountains further away. Even further she could see a smaller town. A town called Silverton. It was where she was headed, where Jack Tannen last had been seen doing crimes and being a bad man. It was years ago since anyone had seen him, but this town was the only lead she had, at least for now.

Belle stood further down, eating grass and drinking water from the bowl Melissa had put there for her. Her white fur sparkled in the sunlight. She was the only family she had left, except for Sam. But Melissa couldn't return now, she just couldn't. She had to finished what she started and after that, she was going to be wanted. She already was wanted for the murder of Sheriff Hinton, she knew that the people had figured it was her by now. So, to return to Sam would mean suicide to her, and she would also destroy Sam's life. So, she couldn't go back now, even how much she missed Sam.

Melissa sighed as she drank the rest of her coffee and finished eating the rabbit, she had caught last night. She grabbed her hat and puts it on her head while she pours some water on the fire, so it goes out. Then she gave a last glance at the wanted poster while she looked out to see over the town once again, she had about one hour more to go before she would reach the town.

Melissa threw the saddle on Belle as she packed everything that was left and then mounted Belle before heading down the hill. Getting closer and closer to Silverton.

She trotted by some beautiful forest and some open fields while she looked at different sighs and maps that would lead her towards town. When she had ridden for about half an hour, she noticed some men riding behind her. They had been there for quite some time. First Melissa thought that they were just out for a stroll, but she soon realized they were following her. Her heart beat faster in her chest as she glanced a bit back and saw them both with weapons in the corner of her eye. She was scared, yet, braver than she had ever been before. No one was going to rob her, not now, not after everything she had been through. She slowed down a bit, and switched to walking instead of trotting, the men did the same. Melissa held a hand close on the revolver she had in her gun belt as she kept a close eye on her back. The men came even closer, now they were right behind here. She breathed out as she kept her hand on the revolver, ready to protect herself in case they were going to do something.

"Hey lady!" One of them eventually said as he came up by her side. The other man came up by the other side. She was surrounded, trapped. The men seemed pretty old, older than her anyway. Both of them had deep and growly voices. Like they had just came from a bar, drunk and gone in their minds. One of them had a shotgun and the other a smaller gun like Melissa. Melissa had hidden her hand and the gun under her coat so they wouldn't see that she was ready to shoot them both if they tried anything.

"Where's a fine lady like yourself headed then?" The one to the right asked.

Melissa looked disgusted at him. She was so tired of men like them.

"None of your damn business." She said, trying to sound scarier than them. They laughed as she said that and Melissa immediate knew that she would probably have to shot them for them to leave her alone.

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