Chapter 23 Goodbye. Brother

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Through her escape and sorrow, Melissa had managed to take herself back to the place she once called home. Georgetown. She galloped through the woods, past her old home town as her memories flashed by her mind. She had barely eaten or slept anything the last days. The only thing her mind and body could manage to do was cry. She was broken and no one was there to fix it, not even herself this time. The last couple of days she had been followed by lawmen and bounty hunters, seemed like everyone was after her. She knew she even saw Sam and John with a group of men a few days ago. She just knew it was them, but she didn't stop, nor turn herself in, though she knew that the only fair trail for her was death. But before any of that, she needed to be back home. She needed to see her parents, needed to destroy the bag with all the money and values she had stolen.

As she rode over some plains and came across a thicker forest, Melissa knew that she was almost home, for she recognized the thick forest ahead of her. She stopped right in front of it. Thinking back on that a time she rode here with Sam. As she looked to her left, she could almost see Sam beside her, smiling, laughing, telling her that they would solve it that it would be okay to return to her home to burry her parents. But Sam wasn't here. He was somewhere else, probably close to Georgetown because he knows her better than anyone else. He must have known when he saw her and she saw him some days ago that she was headed back to Colorado, and he must have understood right there and then that she was going back home, because he is smart. No one else would have figured out that this was the place she would go to, but Sam always thinks a step ahead of everyone else.

Melissa breathed in as she started to gallop through the forest. Memories washed over her like a tide and she could almost see her younger self, crying, escaping through this forest as her home disappears in the distance. Seemed like this forest was meant for her escape, seemed like it was meant for her sorrows and tears.

As Melissa got to the end of the forest she stopped when she saw the big flowery tree still glowing on top of the hill ahead of her. A tear streamed down her cheek as she looked over at the place she once called home. The sun was about to set and its light spread across the trees branches. Melissa jumped down from Sheer and dragged herself across the green grass up to the tree where she stood for awhile and then down to the two graves that still were there. Seemed so long since she last were here. Why didn't she just stay here when she could? None of this would have happened then.

Her legs carried her all the way to the two crosses that said, Lilly Summers 1856-1891 and Matthew Summers 1853-1891. That's where she collapsed on the ground. Her body couldn't carry her anymore and as she sat there, it all broke down and her tears could no longer be held inside of her.

"I'm so sorry...."She cried, with a weak voice as she looked over at the two crosses. "I never meant for any of this to happened...."

The burden was hard for her to bare and being back home made Melissa realize even more what she had done. How many people she had hurt and how much bad things she had done.

"I don't deserved to be called your daughter anymore..." She said as she dragged her hand through the dirt. Then she suddenly realized why she came here. To burn the bag with money. Melissa lifted her eyes and gazed over at Sheer where the money bag were.

"But I know how to settle things." She whispered as she stood up and ran over to Sheer.

Melissa grabbed the smaller bag she had kept safe in her saddle bags that included all her money she had stolen and brought it over the two graves. There she sat down on the ground while she gathered some sticks and stones to start at fire with. Melissa dropped the bag as she desperately tried to start a fire with the sticks and the stones she had. When she finally managed to get a stick to burn she lifted it up and looked at the two graves.

Beautiful Revengeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें