Chapter 10 The truth you never told

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Hey guys! Thank you all for 153 readers on this story! It really warms my heart that you want to read! Anyway, I also wanted to tell you that I noticed just now that I have written "shredded" instead of "shook". You know like "He shook his head" is what I meant but I accidentally wrote "shredded". I apologize for this, I'm from Sweden so sometimes I write wrong words haha. Anyway I think you all understand what I meant when I wrote wrong in the text, (hopefully hehe).
Anyway, here's chapter 10, enjoy! :)

Dear Melissa,

I know it has been five days since I left home and you are probably upset with me for not writing to you sooner. But I am alive. Me and John are closing in on this Peter Mackenzie boy. We have traveled up to some pretty enough country in Dakota. You would have loved it here, the country is not yet tamed, it still has its wilderness left. I love it up here, the air is fresh and the people are so very kind! Maybe we should move here instead?
Anyway, I am yet breathing and I reckon I'll be back in two days or so, we're very close. I hope you are doing all the farm work I said you should do and not only spending time with James, and yes, for your fact I know that you'll be seeing James. Send him my best regards.
I'll see you very soon.
Always yours,

Sam gave the letter one last glance before he gave it to the postman who then rode away. He smiled as he knew Melissa would be happy to hear from him by the letter. John stood further away by their horses, stressed and angry as usual. He looked at Sam and sighed.
"Okay lover boy! Can we leave? It's not like this Mackenzie boy will wait around for us to catch him." John said as he mounted his black horse.
Sam sighed as he turned around and mounted Bob. "For your information, she's family, not anything else." Sam said as they trotted away. "Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." John said as he took the lead.

They rode outside the new town they had just entered. Up some tracks to some more open fields and some very high mountains. As they rode on a track, a river could be heard and seen to the left. Some trees slowly danced to the winds song while some birds flew over their heads. Sam looked around himself, astonished by the beauty of this land. Thinking how Melissa would have loved to be here as well. John took right up to a higher path that lead them towards a higher mountain they headed up on. A track took them through the mountains and the view was beautiful. Sam could see so far that it felt like he almost saw Grand Junction and his house from there, when he really didn't. He smiled as the wind blew on his face, it was warm. John turned around and saw how Sam closed his eyes while he felt the wind in his hair.
"Are we hunting a criminal or enjoying some vacation?" John asked as he slowed down and walked beside Sam. John was a very angry person, he was very easy upsetted and liked to tease others. He could really go someone on their nerves. Although, Sam had worked some jobs with him by now and learnt that it was just the way he was. You had to take John with a grain of salt. He could be very mean and annoying, yet, kind and also a man good on his job. He and very similar look to how Sam looked. He had black short hair with green eyes and a deep voice. He had a typical western hat like most people had and a long brown coat, and of course his lancaster gun he held dear. Sam never spent much time arguing with him, because he knew it was no point. 
"Oh, come one John, even you have to admit that this view is amazing." Sam said as they rode side by side. John looked out through the view. "Nah, not impressed." John said and kept focusing straight forward. "Of course not." Sam said as he sighed.

They kept riding up the path they were riding for about an hour when the sun was on its way down. Sam noticed a good camping spot and they decided to set up a camp there for the night. While John cathed a rabbit for them to eat, Sam fixed a fire. John came back with the rabbit and then cooked it over the open fire. Their camp laid by a smaller river and a smaller forest. It was quite beautiful. Sam grabbed a bowl and came back with some water for them to share. Then they ate while they looked at the stars above them. The moon shined bright, so did the stars. Sam took a sip of the water while John looked at him.
"So I heard you and Melissa were very friendly to that James man." John said as he took a bit of the rabbit they cooked. Sam looked at him as he ate as well. "Yeah, what of it?" He asked.
John shrouded his shoulders as he kept looking at Sam."Nothing of it." He said as he drank."But if I were you I'd be careful." He said, looking at his drink then back to Sam.

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