Chapter 2 All lost

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Everything seemed hopeless where she stood in the middle of a field in the middle of the night. Everything had changed so quickly...Her dear mother and father was dead...gone. Tears streamed down her cheeks as her whole body felt weak, her heart felt broken and her mind not in contact.

What was she supposed to do now? She was an orphan, a kid. Powerless.

- Oh, Belle...what are we supposed to do now? Melissa cried out.

She couldn't think straight, nor did she know what to do. So instead,her eyes searched their way up, to the sky where the beautiful moon and stars were shining. The stars were beautiful, just like the moon, it's lights seemed to calm Melissa down for a bit, making her feel less lonely and think more clearly, reminded her of that beautiful night. She was still upside down, yet, calmer. She took a deep breath and thought for a moment what her father had taught her about survival. A fire, she needed a fire, and food and sleep, that was the most important things. Although, she knew it would be too risky putting up a big fire on an open field like this, not only because she was an easy target for wild animals, but also an easy target for people, including the men that were hunting her down.

She rode off once again, riding as fast as she could, as long as she could, until the land wasn't familiar anymore. Melissa didn't care where she was going, the only thing that was on her mind, was to escape. There was no return now, Melissa knew that she couldn't return to her home, nor to Georgetown, because the men would surely hunt her down. She wasn't stupid, she understood what her parents had done, they had taken a loan, and seeing how revengeful the money leaders seemed, they wouldn't just let Melissa go. She knew if they got their hands on her, they would kill her for sure.

Million thoughts ran through her mind. Fire.... food...sleep.... No more. The survival things her father had taught her, was taking up her whole mind, but the last things she could think of was to survive. For the first time in her life, she had absolutely no one but herself to rely on. Some tears streamed down her face again while she was sobbing out in the dark night. Belle took her further and further away from where she was meant to be. Home. But it wasn't her home anymore. It was a graveyard. Filled with ghosts that would hunt her dreams forever. Melissa didn't even control where Belle took her anymore, she didn't care. Belle just kept walking and walking and walking, while Melissa couldn't take her mind of the sight of her dead parents. It still felt like a crazy dream to her, that she would soon wake up and her mother and father would already be standing outside their house, waiting on her to accompany them on their journeys. Melissa cried once again as she remembered that their trips and adventures would never happen again. The love of her parents now only existed in her memory and it would always remain there. Mentally.

The night was long and seemed endless. Melissa still hadn't stopped a single time to either sleep or eat, she was tired and mentally exhausted but didn't want to stop, she was far to afraid of the men. Belle had taken her so far away from her home that Melissa had no clue of where they were. As the sun finally showed up over the horizon, Melissa could finally see a little more clearly of where they were. They were standing on a big open field with the sun straight forward. Around them were trees and further away some houses and what looked like a road with some signs on it. Melissa figured that it was their best shoot, maybe a town could help her? She steered Belle towards the sigh and stopped right in front of it. There was a bunch of directions that she could follow, but one sign pointing straight forward caught her attention, the sign said "Grand Junction", a town that felt good, so she followed the sigh and headed towards the town.Towards a new lonely life.

It wasn't very far away, and after about ten minutes she was there. The sun was all up now, walking on the rode took her right outside of town, above her head where a huge sigh with the text Grand Junction. It was here. Melissa looked forward and saw a bunch of houses and small farms, as she rode inside town people were already outside, walking the streets, chatting and shopping from different sort of sellers who were screaming across the streets with their products. To the right there was houses as well as to the left. The medical store and the towns office were to the right as it stood "drugs" on a huge sign over a smaller house, a general store could be seen to the left and of course, straightforward there was a big sign saying "Saloon" on it. Horses was mounted outside every house and as Melissa rode through the town it felt pretty good, safe to be with people, even if she didn't know them just yet. The sun warmed her, and Melissa suddenly realized that she was wearing nothing but her pajamas and a long jacket her mother had gave her just before her mother got shot. Feeling embarrassed, Melissa realized that she needed new clothes. But how? It wasn't like she had any money with her. She looked around, searching for a solution. As Melissa rode to the end of town and got to the saloon house, she noticed a house further away with some clothes hanging outside. She hated the thoughts that appeared in her head, stealing? It was something her mother had told her to never ever do, but what other choice did she had? It was either that or walk around in her pajamas in town.

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