Chapter 7 Fishing Love

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Sam hadn't been home for several days. Sheriff Hinton had taken a liking in Sam, thinking that he was very professional, so he had sent him out on a hunt for a criminal pretty far from Grand Junction. Melissa was quite worried for him, after all, he was like a brother to her and she feared that something terrible would happened to him. But as a comfort, she had received a letter from him two days ago, saying that he was fine and that he was closing in on the wanted criminal, saying he would be back as soon as he could. Melissa was sitting on a bench outside the farm house, thinking of Sam and looking into her mother's notebook she had found in her burnt down house. Melissa stroke the beautiful paintings her dear mother had drew. She looked at the burnt drawing from that starlight night and smiled to herself. The miss of her parents would always exists deep into her mind and soul, it was a miss that she could never replace and never get over. Something she would have to learn to live with.

To take her mind of the worry of Sam and the miss of her parents she decided to head into town to shop some ingredients for the meal she would cook later that evening. She went to the stable, picked up Belles saddle and mounted Belle while she lead her into town.

While in town people were roaming the streets already. Melissa was wearing a black long skirt with a white blues, still with her holster around her waist with the revolver, ready to protect herself from whatever danger that would happened to her. Some working women in the saloon was standing outside, smoking and waiting for some customers. Some men further down town was arguing over something Melissa couldn't hear. Melissa reached the general store and hitched Belle beside a white brown smaller horse she had never seen before. She opened the door and got met by a big surprise. A man was standing by the shelfs, looking at some fishing things. It was James. Melissa smiled a huge smile as she noticed him. She hadn't seen James in almost two weeks and she was very happy to see his beautiful face once again. He was wearing a dark brown hat, a black long coat and a brown pair of jeans with a white shirt on him.

"James!" Melissa said as she walked inside the store. James looked up from the shelf and smiled while waving to her. "Melissa! What a nice surprise!" He said as he dropped the things back on the shelf and walked towards her. Mr. Wilde looked weirdly at them as they greeted each other as friends. Melissa looked over at Mr. Wilde and saw his weird look, and she knew why, because she was talking to James as a friend, and it seemed like everyone in this lonely town hated him for some reason she didn't understand. "Good day Mr. Wild." She said while tilting her hat. "Miss Summers." He responded back, without a smile and without his eyes on her. However, Melissa didn't care very much about that, she just kept talking to James.

"How have you been James? Is your wound healing?" Melissa asked and smiled.

"Yes, it's healing pretty good, thanks to you." He responded and smiled. "How have you and Sam been?" He then asked.

Melissa looked at the fishings things at the shelf while she thought of her worry for Sam.

"Fine, just fine. Sam's out for a hunt on some criminal pretty far from here, he's been gone a few days. I just hope that he's not in some trouble." Melissa said while she looked down.

James laid his hand on her shoulder and smiled. Mr. Wild still looked at them, his eyes was confused and sort of disgusted.

"I'm sure he'll be fine, I reckon he's a man good on his job." James said and smiled. Then he picked up some hooks from the shelf and some bait that he thought would work. "I'm heading out on a fishing round, you care to join me?" James asked as he walked up to Mr. Wild who still looked very rude. Melissa felt happy, she had actually missed James more than she expected she would and would gladly join him. "I would love to!" She responded and walked up to Mr. Wild and James. Completely forgetting what she was going to buy.

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