Chapter 16 No rest for the wicked

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John looked at Sam as he inspected the dead bodies on the backside of the Sheriff's office. They had been shot, both of them. Sam sighed as he closed his eyes and swore to himself. What had Melissa done? They still didn't know if this was Melissa, but John seemed pretty sure of it and after Sam had taken a closer look to the bodies, he was almost sure it was her as well. John crossed his arms as Sheriff George Matthews came outside to talk to them. He inspected them both, mostly Sam that almost seemed devastated.

"Did you know these people son?" The Sheriff asked as he could see the concern in Sam's eyes. Sam stood up and looked at him with a mean look.

"I ain't your son." He said and then walked into the office again.

John rolled his eyes as he looked at the Sheriff who seemed upset by Sam's way of greeting him.

"Don't worry about girly over there, he's a little sensitive." John said as he patted the Sheriffs back and then headed inside. Sheriff George followed him inside again.

Sam stood tilted against the wall, waiting for John to accompany him.

"Sheriff George, thank you for your hospitality and for the help of finding our criminal. The general stores owner was the one we should talk to, right?" John asked as he smiled and laid his hat back on his head. Sam sighed and then headed outside to pack his things on Bob.

"That's right." He said as he sat down in front of his desk and started to clean his gun. "Oh, and Sheriff Wilkes? Let me know if there's anything else I can do for you." He said and smiled. John smiled back and tilted his hat slightly forward before he headed back outside to where Sam had already mounted Bob and was ready to leave. John mounted his horse and then looked confused at Sam.

"Stop being so damn sensitive Sam. We got work to do." John said as he took the lead and headed for the general store. Sam rolled his eyes and picked up the pace, so he rode beside John.

"I'm not sensitive." He said with a grumpy voice.

"Really now? What was that over at the Sheriff's office then? Hm?" Johns said as he looked at Sam as they rode through town.

"He was being rude." Sam said as they reached the general store and hitched their horses outside the store. John walked up to Sam and stopped him before he headed up the stairs.

"Stop behaving like a damn woman, we need to stay professional. The only reason I brought you with is because I know you're good at your job, so get a damn grip of yourself." He said before he turned around and walked up the stairs.

Sam sighed once again, he knew that John was right. He was acting like a child, but that 's because he was confused, he didn't know whether to take Melissa's side or to trust John that was so sure that she was a bad woman and that she needed to be put down. Sam knew if it came to put her down, he wouldn't have the guts for that, he couldn't put down Melissa because he loved her. She was his family so how could he possible act professional when they were hunting down his only family?

John opened the door as Sam followed him inside. The general stores owner looked up from another book he was reading and imminently sighed and raised his hands.

"I don't have anything left to rob! Please just leave me be...." He said as he closed his eyes. John and Sam looked weirdly at each other and then they walked over to him.

"We're not here to rob you Mr....?" John said.

"August Bell." The man said.

"Nice to meet you Mr. Bell, I am sheriff John Wilkes and that's my partner, deputy Sam Andrews." John said and showed him his sheriff star and then smiled. August smiled as well in relief. He laid the book on the counter and then smiled at them both.

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