Chapter 20 Trust no fools

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The sky was clear blue and the air fresh. The wind softly blew at the tree tops that carefully danced to its tones and by a smaller river by some mountains sat Melissa. Her feet dangling over a rock edge and her eyes closed as her ears took in the sounds the nature gave her. The water carefully splashed under her as she dropped a rock. Three days had gone by since she met the three men that convinced her to rob a bank with them. They had been moving further and further in to Missouri and was almost there. The relation between the four of them had grown over the past three days, Melissa thought all three of them were alright, she still didn't trust them enough to call them "partners" or "friends" but then again, that would never happened. A little trust had grew but certainly not enough. Yet, somehow they had convinced her to follow them to this bank and somehow she said yes. All she wanted was to get out of America and start a new life somewhere else, being an outlaw made her feel free, but she was also chased wherever she went and the constant worry of meeting bounty hunters or bumping in to detectives or police officers was with her. So maybe robbing this bank would get her that one way ticket to freedom she longed for. Robbing a few more people and a bank and then leave. No more rage or anger, just live by herself, peacefully.

"Hey!" Samuel said while he whistled. "What are you doing?" He asked as Melissa got up in a hurry, startled by him as she was lost in thoughts.

"Nothing, was just taking in the scenery." She said. Samuel twisted his hands and looked over where she had looked, it was a view over some mountains and forest, beautiful.

"Sure, beautiful. You ready to keep going or you want to sit here instead of robbing the bank?" He laughed as he packed some things from their camp on the wagon.

"Shut up. You have to enjoy the small things in life Samuel, even if you're outlawed."

"Whatever you say." He laughed. Jayden and Jamie came back with an empty bucket as they argued loudly with each other, they were far away from Melissa and Samuel but could still be heard. Melissa inspected them both and wondered how it would feel like to have a brother so close to you, since she basically lost hers.

"So are those two always like this?" She asked and picked up her satchel and mounted Sheer.

"Yep, pretty much. Always fighting about something, but I guess that's family for you." Samuel responded and hopped on the wagon.

As the two brothers came closer both Melissa and Samuel could see that the bucket they were supposed to lay fish in was empty, which was why the two brothers were fighting.

"You were the one that dropped the rod in the river!" Said Jayden.

"Well you were the one who fell in the river and scared all the fish away!" Jamie responded and grabbed the empty bucket in an angry motion.

"Because YOU pushed me!"Jayden cried as he ripped the bucket back and puts it in the back on the wagon.

"So, fishing round didn't end well then?" Samuel laughed and lit a cigarette. The two brothers started arguing and talking at the same time, while they gestured with their bodies and blamed each other for everything.

"Alright, alright! Shut it both of you, just hop on and let's be out of here." Said Samuel as he rolled his eyes and smacked the horse into walking. Melissa followed them as she laughed a little towards their crazy behavior. The two brothers were actually very amusing and Samuel seemed to be the only one that could control them or stop them from killing each other. Somehow, all of them seemed to be nice men, even if they were outlawed just like her. Maybe they were more alike than Melissa could ever imagine?

Closing in on Missouri made Melissa worried. She had never robbed a bank before, and working with others was something she wasn't used to either. Would this really end well? Samuel and the two boys rode in the wagon in front of her as she rode on Sheer behind them. She could hear the two brothers argue and laugh sometimes and hear Samuels voice either calm them down or laugh with them. It was like they had their own little family, which maybe was the reason Melissa had gone with them in the first place? She kept telling herself to not trust them, but somehow she trusted them enough with this bank and she had to trust them if they were going to rob a bank together. She was confused and thoughts ran through her mind like canon balls.

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