Chapter 3 A new beginning

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Melissa woke up to the sunlight in her face in a new house and a new bed. Yesterday still felt like a dream and for a moment she thought just that. For a moment she forget where she was. Yesterday after Melissa had told Sam about her parents, Sam had been so kind and offered her a place to stay at his farm, just as long as she helped him with the farming work. Melissa of course said yes without no hesitation. Usually she would never have said yes to such an offer to a "stranger" but Sam didn't feel like a stranger, in fact he had never felt like a stranger to her. Sam offered her a new home until she had figure out what to do and she was very grateful for that. Melissa yawed and stood up from the bed, she looked out through the window and saw, Belle in the field with the other black horse she had seen just before she got here. Melissa for confused, she thought that Belle had ran off, maybe Sam had found her and got her here?

She took on the only clothing she had, which was the brown dress and then braided out her hair. Her hair had long waves that stretched down to her chest. Melissa opened the door and walked down the stairs. Everything reminded her so much of her home who she only had escaped from two days ago, it seemed like an eternity. She almost expected to see her dear mother already preparing a meal in the kitchen and her dear father sitting outside on the field, looking at the sunrise. But when she got down, Melissa got met by a big disappointment, her mother weren't there, nor was her father. Because they were still gone. Melissa looked to the left in the kitchen, and could see a photograph hanging on the wall. It was Sam and another man, Melissa inspected the photograph and figured it must be Sam's father that passed away some time ago. She immediately felt empathy again for Sam, losing someone sure ain't easy.

Suddenly, Sam came and opened the front door and noticed Melissa inspecting the photograph. She stepped back and looked surprised at him. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to sneak around, it's just...a very beautiful photograph." Melissa said. Sam walked over to her and looked at the photograph as well, he smiled at it and Melissa could see that his eyes were starting to fill up with tears. However, Sam quickly took his eyes from the photograph and turned his head towards her, trying to hide his tears the best he could. "Yeah it's sort of special in some way." Sam said.

They stood there silently for a while, both looking at the photograph, it contained Sam who seemed very small at the time, maybe twelve or eleven years old. His father standing next to him, both had fishing hats on and was holding fishing rods in their hands. They looked very happy. Sam stroke the photograph and smiled to himself a little, once again, almost like he said something in his mind to his father.

"Well, anyway, you want some breakfast?" Sam suddenly asked. Melissa nodded her head and Sam gestured to follow him to where he kept the food. Together they grabbed some bread and some milk and sat down at the table. They were silent for a long time, didn't say anything at all, just enjoyed the breakfast. "Can I ask you something?" Melissa eventually asked.

Sam looked up at her and nodded his head while he continued to eat. "Why are you so kind to me? I mean, I am a stranger and you just invited me into your house, kindly and then offered me to stay here as long as I liked, you also saved my life twice yesterday and we don't even know each other." Melissa asked, because she wanted to know why Sam had been so kind to her this whole time, even when she was a stranger, because Sam had showed her a kindness she had never felt before.

Sam seemed a little confused over the question, like he had done something wrong.

"You want me to be mean?" Sam joked back.

"No! Not at all I'm just...."

"Relax, I was joking." Sam laughed.

"Oh..."Melissa embarrassed said.

"You seemed very lost and alone, I guess....I guess I know how it feels to not have anyone but yourself to rely on." He said. His words confirmed Melissa's suspicion that Sam could see right through her, because he had gone through the exact same thing. "Well, thank you, for everything. You even managed to caught Belle right?" Melissa said. "Yes, she was eating grass further down and I thought I recognized her." "Thank you." Melissa said and smiled. Sam smiled back and they continued to eat their breakfast. Everything was so weird and had changed so fast. Just two days ago Melissa was helping her mother in the kitchen, preparing a meal. Now, she was sitting in another kitchen, with a "stranger" and her mother and father completely gone. After they had finished their breakfast Sam took away their plates and then both of them headed outside. It was a sunny and clear day and Sam had started to fix a fence further down before he had came in for breakfast. He led Melissa towards that and gave her a hammer and some gloves. He then explained how she should do it and told her about the farm, what needed to be done and not. What she could do and could not do. Hours passed and soon the sun would be going down. The day had been successful, Sam and Melissa wasn't strangers anymore, they were turning into friends.

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