Chapter 12 Revenge is a fool's business

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The sun had just raised up on the sky. It shined right into the people's sad and bad life's. Before, it seemed to light some sort of happiness inside Melissa. Now. Not even the sun and its beauty seemed to give Melissa some sort of happiness.

She sat down by the lake in front of James cabin. In front of the grave she had just buried his body in. She could barely feel anything at all. It was like all her emotions had just got on lockdown and was gone. Her eyes were stuck on the shimmering lake were she and James used to fish in.

The gravestone in front of her had the text James Alden 1873-1893 on it. Melissa looked at the stone where she had just laid some new flowers. His cabin that used to be such a happy and joyful place to be at, was now filled with sadness and tears. It was filled with ghosts. The same ghost in that forest near Melissa's home. Ghost, that would hunt her dreams forever. The cabin was emptier than it had ever been before and Melissa had such a deep and big hole in her chest, that nothing would ever fill it again. The hole and pain she had after her parents' deaths had been refilled just a little by James and Sam. Now, it was back, bigger than ever and more painful than ever.

Melissa felt a rage she had never felt before. A rage she couldn't control. She was just so angry, so sad and so revengeful. She missed James smile, his eyes, his humor. Everything. And it hurt so goddamn much in her entire chest that she wasn't quite sure what to do. She felt like hurt anyone who had hurt her. She wanted to destroy that entire town.

Melissa breathed in while she closed her eyes. Her eyes burned from all the tears she had let out, yet, she kept crying more even if it was painful. A tear streamed down her cheek as her she looked at Jame's grave. She couldn't hold them in. Her head hurt from all the energy her sadness took, but she couldn't think of anything else. Her heart was broken and there was nothing she could do at all. She was once again powerless.

Melissa stood up, walked over to his grave and touched it while a tear landed on the stone. She could barley look at it without having the pain filling in her chest. She closed her eyes as she had her hand on the stone.

"I promise you, they'll not get away with this. If justice isn't given to me, I guess I'll have to take it myself." She said as she whipped the tears from her cheeks. She kissed his stone goodbye before mounting Belle who stood further away. Her sadness changed to anger. Anger to the Sheriff, to the people, to the men who killed her parents. To anyone who had taken the things she loved from her.

She rode away from his cabin and away from his stone. The pain in her chest still there. It would always be there, and it would never go away. She rode into the forest and onto the path that led her back to the farm. People who rode by sometimes greeted her, but she stayed silence. No one could make her feel better. Not even Sam. Her expression was pale and without emotions. She couldn't feel anything on the outside, yet, on her inside was like a storm. A storm that would never go away. A storm with sadness, anger, rage. All at once.

As she reached the farm, Sam could be seen in the stables, fixing a saddle that had been damaged. Melissa led Belle into the stable while she took of all the equipment. Sam looked at her, with sorrow eyes and a worried heart. She had lost so many people she loved, and Sam was worried for her. Worried that she might do something stupid or that she might go under from all the sadness and pain she was carrying in her heart. Melissa hung the saddle beside Sam. She didn't even look at him. Didn't even say hello. Didn't do nothing, because she hadn't the energy.

"Melissa...?" Sam carefully said as Melissa gave Belle some hay. Then she leaned against the fence where Belle stood. Not facing Sam. "I know that this is hard for you....But...But James he..."Sam said as he walked up to Melissa, while he laid his hand on her shoulder. She shook his hand off and kept looking at Belle. "James would want you to be happy...." He kept going. "Don't talk about him." She said, her voice weak and scratchy.

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