29; Sixth Day

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You're the only one who makes
me insane,
Everytime we touch

Yoongi stepped foot inside Namjoon's office — for the first time since the last. The art gallery director greeted him with a wide smile, before gesturing for him to sit down. The painter did with a smile as well, and clears his throat to speak to him — for the first time since the last also.

"J-Joonie," he called, and Namjoon's ears perked up at that.

To say that Namjoon is shock was an understatement. Afterall, it's been like years since he last spoke to him. The least that he can get from the older is a nod, and a shake of a head, so Yoongi speaking today is a big wonder for him.

"A-Ah hyung — yeah?" Namjoon doesn't want himself to look like he's too overwhelmed, so he tries his hardest to not let his enthusiasm shows.

"S-Seokjin .." Yoongi mutters.

Namjoon's ears perked up again with his lover's name, so he narrows his eyes in confusement.

"What's wrong with Dr. Kim?"

"T-Therapies — i-i want to .." Yoongi trailed, and stops. He took a deep breaths after a few minutes, before he opens his mouth to speak again.

"I-I want to get better,"


Jimin doesn't know how long he stayed there, or why he even did. All he knows is he's doing this for a friend, and for his idol. He is now at Taehyung's bedroom, sprawled like a freaking french girl while his friend is painting him.

It's the 6th day today, and he only has a day left; but every painting feels like longer than the last. He doesn't even know why he can even last being still because he isn't used to it.

His friend doesn't even know how uncomfortable and stiff he feels, he just paints and paints in silence.

Jimin again, tries hard not to stretch — which he did always ever since they started this week of torture.

The defeaning silence was broken with a ringing of a phone on the bedside table, and Jimin knew it was coming from his. He was about to move when Taehyung stops him.

"Don't! I'm almost finished,"

Almost finished.

Those two words still left a taste of disdain on his mouth, and he can't help but scoff under his breath.

'I'm almost finished killing you in my mind though,'

The ringing of his phone doesn't stop not until a few minutes later, and when it rings again Jimin thinks it must be Yoongi.

Yoongi and him are still seeing each other every morning at the Happy Cup, sipping coffees and 'talking' about stuffs.

Well they don't really talked that much when they are outside but when they are alone in Jimin's car on in Yoongi's house; the older has a mouth like a 5-year-old.

Yoongi is still going to his three times a week schedule of therapies, and he talks in full sentences now with him, but still stuttering a bit; and even if that is the case, Jimin knew that is a big progress with his condition.

Yoongi will stutter talk endlessly about what he thinks and what he sees, and Jimin can only look at him with eyes full of admiration; just like what he did when he first saw a painting made of Gloss.

Speaking of Gloss, Taehyung did send him a single picture of him and no news ever came since then.

Maybe what Tae said is true.

Maybe all Gloss really needs is a single picture.

The blaring of his phone stops, and at the same time Taehyung speaks up.

"Finished! Another masterpiece!" He exclaimed, and Jimin lays down flat on his stomach with that.

The blue-haired barista lets out a long sigh of exhaustion and stretches his limbs once again. He felt a sudden weight on the side of the bed, and peaks to see Taehyung has sat down.

"Thanks Jimin-ssi," Tae said.

Jimin just rolls his eyes and turns his body around so now he is laying with his back on the bed.

"I wouldn't do this if you aren't my friend Taehyung-ssi, remember that."

"I know. Anyways, you can check your phone now"

Jimin quickly scrambles to his knees and snatches the now silent phone on the bedside table, and sees that Yoongi did called him — but there is another unknown number that he have never seen before.

He squinted his eyes at the number in total confusion and curiousity, before he decided to call the number back.

Jimin puts the phone on the side of his ear while he waited. He sees Taehyung stand up and walk towards where he is painting earlier, and is now in the process of cleaning the acrylic paints and paintbrushed that he used earlier.

The person he was calling picks up after a few rings, and Jimin perks up at the familiar voice.

"Park Jimin,"

--- ☪

AN; sorry for the short and crappy chapter! Wattpad actually deleted the full draft of this chapter so i need to rewrite it with the bits of information that was left and stucked on my mind.

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