New Normal

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Katara had been working at the healing wing of the Royal Medical Center for a couple of weeks now.

She really enjoyed helping people and felt like she had a place there. Zuko's idea worked perfectly, everyone instantly welcomed her and made her feel comfortable. He had made sure of it. Now, she was learning healing techniques from professional doctors, something that complemented her healing abilities perfectly. She liked the meetings and councils, too. There was something about working along her friends that kept her extremely motivated, plus actively having a role on the making of big decisions suited her very well. Her mornings consisted of breakfast with everyone and then all the meetings. Her afternoons were filled with learning how to help people. Her nights were spent with friends. It was a good routine.

But Katara wasn't the only one with a new routine. Like Zuko had said, her decision to help at the Medical Center sparked a desire for doing something relevant in the rest of the group. Zuko himself, of course, was already filled with Fire Lord duties and work, but the others didn't take long in finding something to keep them busy as well.

Suki trained Ty Lee for the Kyoshi warriors, and the acrobat would usually instruct her in the art of chi blocking as well. Sokka regularly joined them so he could work on improving his sword fighting skills. Aang focused on being the avatar and usually stayed with Zuko doing work in the early afternoons, but would go to explore the near by places with Toph and Appa a couple times a week. Mai divided her time between more diplomatic work with her family, that had recently relocated to Royal Caldera City, and training sessions with the others. Toph choose to spent the afternoons she wasn't traveling with Aang practicing her bending and overseeing everyone's activities, doing a bit of everything. Breakfast and dinners were the moments to be spent together, as well as some extra time on the weekends.

This little "new normal" that the group had adopted felt nice. Katara grew specially fond of it, as she had been scared of loosing her sense of purpose once the war was over. But now, she realized there was still a million things she could work on or help with.

Katara crossed the main gates and walked across the courtyard with the intention of relaxing a bit before dinner. It was still early, as it had been a quiet afternoon at the Medical Center. Just as she started slowing down her pace to admire the gardens, she saw Aang and Toph sitting by the pond.

"Katara, hey!!" Aang's eyes lightened up when he saw her. Katara smiled at him.

Things between them were... Stable? One could say, as nothing had changed much. They were still in that stage where you don't quite know what you are to each other. Although, Aang clearly wanted to be more. He was never shy about his feelings, always showing his excitement and attachment for her.

"I guess we are together now." She thought in silence. She still hadn't completely figured out her feelings. She had followed his current so far, careful not to hurt him or cause a fight. Aang deserved a chance, right? After all, it wasn't as she disliked his attention. She cared for him, of course, she even loved him, but maybe not in the same way he did. His feelings seemed intense and urgent. In contrast, she preferred to take time to process her emotions.
This was the boy that had meant so much for her for more than a year now, the boy she had found in the ice, like a vision. Her 112 years old companion, that usually needed her care and affection. Affection, it felt like an appropriate way to describe their bond. The affection they felt for each other was unlimited, unbreakable. But maybe, from her side, simply not enough yet to commit to something more serious or definitive.

Katara shook those thoughts out of her head and waved at Aang, changed directions and approached them.

"Hi! What are you two up to now?" She greeted them both and proceed to sit next to the pond.

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