Odd To Be Back

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Returning to the Fire Nation had a somewhat strange feeling to it. Katara hadn't anticipated bidding farewell to Caldera City as unexpectedly as she had, already several weeks ago. Yet she was now back, in what barely felt like the blink of an eye, but everything seemed utterly different. A lot had changed while they were all away; feelings, situations, and hopes for the future. This time around, it was only Zuko and her, coming back after traveling to the Western Earth Kingdom to find Ursa. But they had returned empty-handed and with even more questions left to be answered.

The previous night Katara had gone straight to bed, glad to be back in her usual room at the Royal Palace. Given how late it was, Uncle Iroh was already asleep when they had arrived. But the morning brought a new beginning with it, turning breakfast into the perfect time to put Iroh up to date regarding the newest developments in their search.

Zuko had done most of the talking, amidst sipping on his tea and allowing for her to contribute to the explanation. Katara had preferred to let him speak, to give him space to tell the start of the truth about his mother. Every single detail that had been passed onto them by Uton had been repeated to Iroh, with the addition of Zuko's personal appreciations and concerns. By the end, the old man was left looking a little more than confused, and a strain of concern was detectable in his eyes.

When Iroh finally spoke, he did it with a firm yet preoccupied tone. "May I ask if you had anything in mind regarding what to do next?"

The question seemed to shock Zuko a little bit, as Katara was able to notice by the way he looked into her eyes once he heard his Uncle's words. "Uncle, we need to know where Mother's hometown is. I think it's very clear what our next move should be."

The affirmation made Katara flinch. She knew what Zuko was talking about, it had been the cause of his despair ever since they had found out the partial truth about Ursa's journey. Still, she didn't like it. She could never be on board with something that made Zuko so miserable. But what other choice did they have?

Iroh raised a brow. "Then tell me. Because you know, Nephew, you know I cannot provide you with that information, I'm just as much in the dark as you are."

"I'll have to talk to my father," Zuko mouthed, letting out a frustrated sigh. "I don't care what it takes, I'll get him to tell me where she could be."

"And are you certain you talking directly to Ozai would be the best approach?"

Zuko shrugged. "Don't get me wrong, the last thing I want to do is talk to that bitter excuse of a man. But it seems like I have to if I want to see Mother again." His voice had started to tremble.

In a split second, Katara felt the need to throw her arms around him. It simply wasn't fair. After all the progress and the good Zuko had managed to make, he was once again stuck with talking to the person that had turned his life into a nightmare for years. He deserved much better. He deserved all the love in the world.

The sound of her name brought her back to earth. "What about you, Katara, what do you think of this plan?" Iroh's gentle eyes were looking straight at hers.

"I wish there could be another way," she replied, putting down her teacup. "But If Zuko tells Ozai what we know now, perhaps he'll feel more obligated to confess."

"Mmm," Iroh hummed. "Though You must admit he won't be particularly delighted to hear the mother of his children was involved in the anti-war movement."

"For Agni's sake, his disgraceful son ended the war!" Zuko exclaimed, anger detectable through his voice. "What else does he want? What else could he possibly expect from the woman he banished in the first place?"

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