Some News

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Katara opened her eyes, feeling somewhat disoriented for a second.

The events of the night before replayed in her head like a dream. So much had happened within just a few hours. She could still feel the grief inside of her, caused by the lady she couldn't save. But she could also perceive some warmth mixed up with all the gloom.

Zuko. She remembered how he had taken care of her. The vision of the two of them, laying on the grass at the middle of the night with their fingers intertwined, was now forever engraved in her memory.

She moved across the sheets of her bed, unwrapping herself from them, when a realization hit her all of the sudden. Hadn't she fallen asleep whilst looking at the stars?

Very thoughtful of you, Katara, falling asleep while someone is trying to keep you company, she thought as she tried to remember.

It was all kind of a blur. One of the last things she recalled, before falling asleep by the pond, was hearing Zuko's voice as her fatigue started to kick in. Now, it lingered every corner of her mind, relentlessly.


Even the most simple words can carry an extraordinarily profound meaning.

She recalled him slowly waking her up. The early dawn sending soft, shimmering rays over her skin.

They had walked together back into the palace, in the tenderest of silences. Her sleepiness during those moments prevented her from remembering much more. But, she was certain he had made sure she got to her room without any complications. He had his way of showing how much he cared.

It was astonishing how things had changed since the first time she saw him. Who would have guessed they would end up ready to sacrifice themselves for the other, when they started off as practically sworn enemies? And now, he had unexpectedly become one of the most important persons in her life.

As she began to get dressed for the day, fighting off the echoes of sadness that remained in her system, Katara reminisced about her late night conversation with Zuko.

He had definitely made her feel better, with his soft yet severe words and pieces of advise. And well, the way he had hold her in his arms while she let the tears fall had certainly made an impression on her. The feel of being so close to him soothed her more than she had expected. That hug had been a more than enough gesture - attachment, perhaps even the delicate beginnings of something new. Something she wasn't quite able to put into words, yet.

Every little thing they had spoken about during the night before resonated in her mind.

"You are amazing, Katara, absolutely and utterly amazing."

Although she was in the middle of doing her hair, she flinched at the memory of that phrase.

Did he actually mean it? She wasn't sure how that idea made her feel. All those thoughts she had tried to shake from her head for the last couple of weeks were now making a clamorous comeback.

Spirits, really Katara? Are you serious? You are gonna let the thought of Zuko holding your hand keep you distracted? You have to stay focused, she said to herself in an attempt to repress the emotions that kept urging to be taken into consideration.

Her mind was spiraling through an strange combination of warm and sorrowful memories. She barely even knew how she was going to tell the news to the rest of the group.

Although, she ended up not having much time to fight her thoughts, as just when she was trying to find the motivation to get out of her room, she heard a loud knock on her door.

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