Nothing But A Shadow

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"Good morning." The words caused Zuko to flinch due to his lack of attention to his surroundings.

The Fire Lord hadn't planned to spend the first moments of his day staring into the horizon, but he sure had done that anyhow. A part of him hoped the gentle morning sun would have an answer to his many questions. Though the only certainty the sunlight brought with it was the fact that time could fly by while he got lost amidst his very own thoughts.

He watched as Katara took a seat by his side, skimming her side-body against his whilst the sun kissed her cheeks. Why was she up this early? It wasn't as if they had anything productive to do until the afternoon. And she had always been one to rise with the moon.

"'Morning," he replied, twitching his lips into a soft smile. "You're up early."

"I was just writing a quick letter to Rya," Katara took the piece of paper out of the pocket of her robe. "See? I thought I could send it to the post office in town."

"Oh, right, I forgot that we need to eat there today," Zuko muttered. "I barely remember where my head is these days."

"Well, I'm here to remind you of such things. Right now, you just have to focus on your family."

But you're my family too, Zuko wanted to whisper. Though he knew it might still be a little too early to confess those words. Truth was, he had no clue of how he would've survived without her the last couple of months. Whenever he found himself starting to feel hopeless, just one word, one look, one smile had the power to turn things around.

"Speaking of your family," Katara continued. "We should write to your Uncle about this. Unless you prefer not to, of course."

"No, no, it's okay," he said as he brought himself back to reality. "I'll write to him before we head out for the day."

"Any urges to explore the town?" It was clear she was making an effort to gloss over the troubling details of their situation.

"Not really. At least until... - you know, until I get a clue of where I'm standing."

"Today we'll be one step closer to it, I promise." Her loving blue eyes were fixated on him, shimmering with a determination Zuko was already more than familiar with.

Yet another thing he was familiar with interrupted their scarce moment of closeness.

"Well, well, well." Azula's voice echoed across the morning air. "What are you promising to my naive brother, Kat?"

"Kat?" The waterbender frowned at the unusual nickname.

Azula let out a soft laugh. "If a five years old can call you that, then I guess I have the right to do so as well."

Katara shot Zuko a confused look. Neither of them seemed all that sure of how to take his sister's words.

"Well then, promises anyone?"

"And good morning to you too, Azula," Katara fumed. "I was just telling Zuko today we'll get some much-needed answers."

"Adorable, isn't it?" The princess chanted, amusement tainting her voice. "You seem to be each other's emotional support human."

If there was one thing that came to Zuko's mind as his sister mocked them, it was certainly not adorable. Did she know? Did she suspect anything? Perhaps it was all another one of her delusions. Yet this time she would be right about that. A little too right.

"Yes, Azula, we're adorable , thank you very much." Katara seemed to have caught the bait. "Any other compliment to add?"


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