Our Voices Speak At Night

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This chapter holds a special place in my heart, as there are few things I love as much as emotional nighttime conversations.
In case you like to listen to music while you read, I've prepared some suggestions:
•"With Me", by Sum 41 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g8z-qP34-1Y
•"Nandemonaiya", from the movie Your Name. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FB50H91a1IA
•"21 Guns", by Green Day https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r00ikilDxW4
•"So Will I", by Ben Platt https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9VjDNOJHQ3g

Enjoy! And thank you so much for reading this!

When Zuko decided to head over to the pond to be in silence with his thoughts for a while, the last thing he was expecting to find was Katara, curled up and crying on the floor.

His heart hurt just from seeing her like that. He was trying to figure out how to approach her when she turned around. Their eyes locked, and hers widened when she realized it was him. He instantly knew he would do anything to make those tears disappear from her face.

He started walking towards her, wondering what could possibly be the cause of such sorrow.

"Katara, are you okay?" His voice was softer than ever before while he sat next to her.

The girl simply shook her head in denial, silent tears streaming down her face.

He got a little closer, trying to lock his eyes into hers again.

"Do you want to tell me what happened?" He carefully asked.

Please, don't shut me down. I want to know. I hate seeing you like this.

She didn't speak immediately, but she did lift up her sight to look at him. Zuko found himself lost in the ocean of her blue eyes. They stayed silent for just some seconds, but it felt like ages.

"I couldn't save her..." When she finally spoke, her words were completely tinted with sadness.

Zuko flinched when he heard that. He had no idea of what had happened and he was desperate to understand. An urge to hold her in his arms, to tell her that everything was going to be okay, took over him. But, he was scared to break any boundaries. There was a certain irony in his fear.

"What do you mean? Who?" He was being cautious not to make things worse.

"Lyru, the old lady, she was bleeding... sh- Her voice broke. "... She went into shock... She is gone..."

Her whole body started shuddering. "She died right in front of me." Katara was now completely sobbing.

She looked inconsolable. But Zuko decided he would rather die trying.

All his fears faded away. I cannot sit still while I watch her fall apart. I don't have to, and I'm not going to.

He took her hand into his, careful not to make any sudden moves. When he realized she was not going to push him away he leaned in, tugging her hand to pull her closer to him. There was a loving look in his eyes.

He moved his hand up to her shoulder, bringing her in for a gentle embrace. As she rested her head on his chest, her emotions rose up despite her determination to hold them back.

"Hey, it's okay." Zuko stroked her hair. "I'm here, you are not alone. You can cry all you need, I promise it'll be okay."

He could feel the weight of her body against his, even though she was still all curled up. It was because, in that exact heart-stopping moment, Katara was nestled in his arms.

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