Wandering Through Reformations

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Zuko waited for everyone else to arrive at the breakfast table. He was giving Aang's proposal one final read before they would all head into a meeting with the advisors to discuss its fulfilment. The project had already caught his attention when Katara introduced it to him, but now he was seriously impressed by the idea. By last night's dinner, Aang presented him a fully written proposal that he, Katara and Toph had made. He was sold almost instantly. Later, they told the rest of the group about it. Everyone was on board. They all considered it was the right move to make. Now, they were preparing to present the project to the advisors, so it could be officially implemented within all of the Fire Nation. He considered it a breakthrough, a turning point for his nation. They were all transforming the narrative together. He just hoped everyone else would be on board for change.

Someone stepped into the room, causing Zuko to look up.  Mai sat down in front of him, not without before greeting him with a quick kiss.

"Hey, good morning." He rushed to say to her.

"Good morning to you too." She poured herself some tea.  "Oh, I forgot to tell you that today I won't be here in the afternoon. My mom insisted on taking me to go buy a new dress for Saturday." She informed him, rolling her eyes.

"A new dress? So, it's going to be a really formal occasion then?" He asked, concerned about having to dress up and play the part in front of her family. He didn't really need the extra pressure.

"I guess so. My mom really wants to show off the new house and all her good ties to the Royal Family, aka you. It's basically an excuse to brag about anything they can possible think off. We'll be fine though, your mere presence is already going to do the trick." Mai didn't sound particularly in love with the plan, but that wasn't unusual for her.

"Well, I already cleared out my schedule so we can arrive as early as you need." He was truly trying his best to have her back on this one. He knew that deep down she was at least a little nervous about it.

"I think we should leave a couple hours after lunch. That way we have plenty of time to arrive punctually and do some good old chitchat before dinner." She told him.

Sokka barged through the door. "Dinner? Aren't we about to have breakfast?" He sat down.

"No, Sokka, I was just talking to Zuko about Saturday's dinner." Mai started to explain but she was quickly interrupted.

"Why are we already talking about Saturday's dinner?" Toph joined the conversation the minute she crossed the entryway. Aang, Ty Lee and Suki followed right after her.

"No, no. It's a special dinner, not the one we usually have here." Zuko tried to clarify things up.

"Morning everyone. Then, what dinner is it?" Aang got curious.

"It's a dinner my family is hosting to maintain their lovely political career." Mai simplified.

"Aw, that's so nice! I think." Ty Lee doubtfully smiled.

"Agh, that sounds lame. Wait, do we all have to go? Bummer." Toph grunted.

"No, actually, only Zuko and I are invited." Mai answered.

Aang blinked. "Oh, okay. Good luck then." He sounded surprised. Zuko wondered if he was offended by being the avatar and not even get an invitation. Although knowing the kind of people that were going to be present, all of the closest ex followers of his fatheror at least the ones that were still sticking around, maybe it was for the better.

"Thank you! I would die if I had to dress up for some dull formality." Well, Toph looked relieved in comparison.

And right in that moment, Katara entered the room. She catched a glimpse of everyone lively talking before sitting down.

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