What You Will Find

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The sun brushed his face, bringing a little extra warmth in the midst of all the coldness. The Fire Lord held onto a stack of papers as he walked up to Hakoda's hut, ready to take part in the meeting about the future International Collaboration.

The response from his advisors and the various companies he was interested in working with had been surprisingly good. His Uncle must've doing a great job over there. Well, actually, Zuko knew he was. The last letter he had received from him had helped soothe out his concerns. Iroh had even encouraged him to stick around at the tribe for even longer. And he had, sort of. He had been there for almost a week, enjoying every second he had left to spend with some of the people he cared the most for in the entire world. Although, now that the meeting was finally taking place, he could feel the clock ticking louder than ever. Truth was, a part of him refused to go. But he had to, for his mom. Time was up. It would soon be his turn to leave, despite how much it would hurt him to do so.

He shook his head, maintaining a steady pace as he made his way through the snowy ground. There was no reason for him to feel sad. The last few days at the South Pole had been some of his happiest moments ever. Cheering on Sokka teaching little kids how to make boomerangs, admiring sunsets with Katara, enjoying the family meals, enraging in snowball's fights with his two southern friends, feeling loved and included, all while simply being himself. Those memories would stay with him forever. And he could always come back. Maybe he could even bring his mother for a visit.

Okay, stop right there, Mr sentimentalism. Don't get too carried away. Find her first, then you can daydream about a certain waterbender meeting your mom for the first time. Alright?

A familiar figure was waiting at the entrance of the hut. The waterbender in question, leaning against the icy wall. How on earth didn't she freeze out there?

"Zuko! Finally, I thought I was going to have to go out looking for you," she exclaimed when she saw him walking up to her.

He smiled, her excitement was noticeable from a mile away. "Well, I could have used some help with all of this," he said, tilting his head to pinpoint the stack of papers he was carrying.

"Oh, come on! Aren't you supposed to be the mighty Fire Lord? I'm sure you can handle it." A mischievous smile framed her face. "Now get in, we're all set."

Katara grabbed him by the wrist and dragged him inside. Everyone else seemed to be there. Hakoda, Pakku, Kanna, Sokka, the rest of the local chiefs... His little staycation at the Southern Water Tribe had actually turned out to be some sort of diplomatic mission after all. Katara had been right. And he wasn't surprised.

"So that went really well, right?" Sokka's voice echoed all over the kitchen hall.

"I believe the local chiefs were satisfied with the outcome. Zuko, thank you, really. With the support of your Nation I don't doubt of the great things we can accomplish around here." Hakoda sounded more than pleased with the new alliance.

"There's no need to thank me. The Southern Water Tribe more than deserves the aid we'll provide. I just did the right thing." His response was sincere. He knew an International Collaboration was necessary.

Katara gave him an affectionate squeeze on his arm, just as she was passing through with a pile of plates ready to be arranged on the table. "Still, thank you. Now sit down before the food gets cold."

Zuko couldn't help but allow a tender smile to take over his face. That girl was really getting the best of him, and not necessarily in a bad sense. He knew he probably looked ridiculous, standing there smiling at the thin air around him. Quickly enough, he recomposed himself, moving over to sit on his now usual seat on Gran Gran's table.

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