A Plan Is Set Into Motion

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Why did every single conversation with his father leave him with such a sour taste in his mouth?

After another unsuccessful attempt to discuss his mother's whereabouts with Ozai, Zuko was feeling completely defeated. He simply was not willing to give him any information about the matter.

There's just no way to get through him. Not for me. Agh, why did I even think this could work?

An idea had settled into his mind the minute he first read the invitation to Ba Sing Se. It was time to take action, to get started and at the very least make a plan to find his mom. Unfortunately, Ozai didn't seem to agree with this outlook.

Now what on earth am I gonna do? Wicked man, he can't even bend but thinks he still got power over me, he kept grumbling to himself all the way back to his office. All he wanted was one clue, anything, that could lead him a step closer to finding her. He wanted to take his chance now, before things could get any more complicated within the political realm. 

As he abruptly closed the doors behind him, without even realizing that they were strangely already open, he couldn't help but unleash his frustration with a big sigh. "Agh, that was so incredibly stupid of me. What was I thinking, going there and trying to talk to him? Oh hi dad, care to tell me where mom is? What am I, five?" His voice echoed through the walls of the room. He was loudly talking and grandly gesturing, feeling more exasperated than he had felt in weeks.

What he hadn't noticed, was that he wasn't alone.

"Ejem, ejem, ejem." A timid but firm voice revealed its presence, it was raspy and deep. "Good morning, sir."

You have to be kidding me, right? he thought as he slowly turned around.

"Atkin." He said, trying to compose himself. "Why are you here?"

He was definitely surprised to see the old man there.

Being one of the most wise and trusted men within the Fire Nation, Zuko had been willing to keep him as his advisor, despite his past. The man had been working for the Royal Family for as long as he could remember, ever since he and his sister were little kids. Even when his own father had banished him, Atkin had expressed to him his discontent with such drastic decision. Zuko knew he had never been a fan of his father's extreme ideals and that having him by his side would be beneficial to his new Fire Lord status. Because of this, Atkin was now his most trustworthy advisor.

"I'm sorry, Sir, I just wanted to let you know that the rest of the advisors would like to have a word with you about Ba Sing Se." The man carefully explained. Then, he paused for a moment. "Are you okay, Sir?"

"Thank you, Atkin. And yes, I'm fine." The Fire Lord answered, wishing the man hadn't seen his outburst.

"I don't want to intrude, Sir, but I see you went to visit your father..."

Zuko sighed. "You say you don't want to intrude but you're doing it anyways... Yes, I went to see my father. Please, next time if you see me heading over there be kind enough to remind me that there's no point to it."

He sat behind his desk, looking defeated.

Atkin hesitated before speaking. "As you wish. Sir, can I ask you something?"

What now? Can't he see I'm not in the mood for chitchat?

"Yes, Atkin. Be my guest."

"You mentioned your mother when you walked in... Did you questioned your father about her?"

He looked at the old man with scrutiny, trying to figure out where the conversation was heading to.

"I did. The bastard revealed to me that she was alive months ago, but as expected I can't even get him to spill a word about where she could be." He was so embittered he didn't care if Atkin knew about the situation with his mother. After a brief pause, he spoke again. "Now, why are you asking me about this?"

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