Welcome to Ba Sing Se

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Ba Sing Se looked just the same as the last time Katara had been there. Despite the metropolis staying still, a considerable number of other things had changed since her most recent visit. There was nothing extremely noticeable at a first glance, but she could sense herself feeling different than before. The events of the past week had specially left a mark. She was determined to try her best and shake the gloominess off during those few days. Hopefully, a little time off would be enough to finish lightening her mood up.

"Hey, I think I can see The Jasmine Dragon!" Sokka shouted. Momo eagerly shifted on his shoulder when he spoke.

"I think Momo is saying he sees it too." Suki added.

"Katara, can you see it? I think we're still a bit too high for it." Aang asked her.

"Wasn't Zuko's ship supposed to be guiding us to the house?"

"Well, yeah, but apparently there's this special place all airships have to land on, so they had to take a detour. The great thing about having a flying bison is the lack of need for a parking permit." Sokka tenderly padded Appa's back.

"So, guys, the house anyone?" Aang urged.

"We should fly a little bit lower, otherwise we'll completely miss it." Katara suggested.

The boy did as she said and the four of them started to carefully look within the thousands of similar homes located in the upper ring.

"Okay, this is it. That's definitely The Jasmine Dragon." Sokka pointed out. "See? I was right!"

The elegant tea shop could be clearly distinguished from all the other near by structures, with its multiple staircases and large, elevated patio.

"They said the house was close to the shop, right?" Suki wondered.

"Yeah, let's stop there. Wait, isn't that the rest of our group?" Aang pinpointed a clear road near the shop. Toph, Zuko, Ty Lee and Mai seemed to be waiting for them.

When they got off Appa and onto the firm ground, the others rapidly approached them. They were followed by two welcoming looking ladies.

"Guys, we were starting to think you got lost!" Toph reprimanded them.

"Hey, miss you too. Thanks for not coming with us by the way." Sokka teased her.

The girl grunted. "Sokka, you know I prefer to have earth or metal under my feet. At least inside that airship I'm able to see." 

The two earth kingdom ladies seemed to decide it was time to intervene.

"Welcome to Ba Sing Se! My name is Tyna and this is my partner, Edina. We will simply guide you to your accommodations and make sure you are comfortable. It's a pleasure to have you as our guests."

"Now, if you would please just follow us to your house..." Edina added, before quickly turning away.

The two of them starting walking and the group had no other choice but to follow their lead.

"Anyone else getting some serious Joo Dee vibes?" Aang asked.

Sokka nudged him. "Don't even say it, not worth the risk."

He covered Momo's ears in a protective gesture and Katara let a soft giggle escape her mouth.

"Quickly, Aang, cover Appa's ears or else he's screwed like us." Toph joked.

The stroll around town didn't last much, as the house for the group was only about two blocks away from the Jasmine Dragon. This is a pretty good location, Katara thought as Tyna and Edina stopped at the threshold. The place looked gigantic, with clearly enough room all of them.

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