Handle This

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The light was as dim as ever at the Capitol City Prison. It had to be one of the most lugubrious places Katara had visited. Even just by standing in front of the building, it seemed inevitable to get caught up amidst its sinister aura. As she walked down the halls next to the others, her senses sharpened to pay attention to all the details, every last crack on the walls, every stain on the floor... To even think about how her father had spent some time locked in there made her shudder. Though those days were in the past. She had to keep moving forward, one step across that prison at a time. At least it seemed easier with a certain firebender by her side.

"I can't believe we're actually doing this," Zuko whispered, reluctant to walk any further down the corridor. "Letting those two alone together..."

"But we are." Katara gave him a soft pad on the back. "Now let's get moving, you wouldn't want Azula to complain about having to wait for you."

"For Agni's sake, she's barely a few feet ahead." His voice showed just how uneasy he must've been feeling. Still, he continued walking. "And Toph seems to be handling her pretty well."

Not only Toph. Everyone else had accompanied them to the prison. Of course, they would stay completely out of Ozai's sight, but just by having them near things appeared to be more under control. Even Iroh, whose relationship with Azula left much to wish for, was determined not to leave them alone as they escorted the once fire princess to her father's cell.

Though Toph seemed resolved not to give the girl any room for mistakes. With her sharp remarks and lie-detecting abilities, she was bound to drive Azula crazy if needed. For now, the earthbender seemed happy enough with staying next to her at all times. Even if she was on a straitjacket and carried by a wheelchair. To Toph, no precautions were enough.

So Katara couldn't help but chuckle when Zuko pointed it out. "Well, that pair is one heck of a ticking bomb."

Before the Fire Lord had any chance to react with anything other than a light smirk, Aang turned around to face them.

"Katara, Zuko, everything okay?" the Avatar asked, his eyes shimmering with the luminescence coming from the torchlights.

"Yeah, Aang, don't worry," she replied, shooting Zuko an 'I told you so' kinda look. "We're picking up the pace now."

"What?" he asked, rushing down the corridor. "Can't I be nervous about this insane plan?"

"The plan is not insane, your uncle put a lot of thought into it. You'll see how it works," she reassured him. "And it's nothing, really." Her lips twitched into a soft yet unconcealable tender smile. "Just the look on your face when Aang called us. Everything will be fine, I promise you."

Or at least that's what she hoped. With no time to waste, the group stopped by the corner that gave way to Ozai's carefully secured cell. Iroh had led the way ever since they'd left the Royal Palace. But now it was Zuko's time to get ahold of the situation.

"Can't believe you make me talk to Father here in this morbid prison cell," Azula complained, looking for his brother's eyes. "This is undignified of a princess! Oh, how Mother must be laughing right now."

"Azula, keep your voice down or he'll hear us," Zuko warned her.

"He'll heat what?" she exclaimed as she started to seem completely out of herself. "Zuzu, are you scared Father will reprimand you for treating your little sister so poorly?"

Iroh tried to contain her. "Niece, it is in your best interest to be smart regarding your current situation. Fighting won't do you any good."

"Spirits, old man, someone's feeling generous today!" She was on the verge of screaming. "I wonder what you'll do if I keep acting this way, maybe pour me a cup of tea?"

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