Change Of Direction

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Everything was ready for Rya's visit to the Royal Palace. The weather was in their favor, with blue skies, abundant sunlight, and the tiniest of breezes to give way to a break from the warmth of the sun. Because of this, the table for their gathering had been set in the gardens.

Katara swirled across the courtyard, overseeing the final details for their afternoon tea. Right by the turtleduck pond, the table had been marvelously prepared with a carmine tablecloth and a delicate tea set. A variety of fruit tarts, sandwiches, and macaroons were the food choices for the occasion.

Both Zuko and Iroh had insisted on having all types of delights made for them, as well as providing the best service possible; even when the busy Fire Lord and his uncle were to attend an assembly with the Council of Elders right afternoon. So the chances of either of them being able to be there to welcome Rya were little to none. Despite Katara's objections to Zuko's new tendency to drown himself into an excessive amount of work, Iroh had assured her that this meeting was strictly necessary. Though the waterbender felt sorry about it, she was fully prepared to greet her friend on her own.

She straightened the folds of her blue dress as she sprinted across the courtyard, heading towards the main gates of the Palace. Rya should be there at any minute. While she waited by the main gates, Katara couldn't help but think about how crazy everything seemed to be. Still, it was not the time to continue worrying about the future nor certain aspects of the present. She was determined to spend a jolly afternoon with her friend.

The sound of one of the guard's voice called her attention. "Miss Rya, healer from the Royal Hospital," he announced.

A more cheerful greeting followed it. "Kat!" Rya giggled as she walked through the gates of the Palace. "Thanks again for having me."

"No, Ry, thank you for coming," Katara replied with a smile. She tugged her friend for a gentle embrace. "Now let's go to our table."

Once the two girls were settled into her seats, the ambiance at the gardens became one of dearness and laughter.

"Whoa, you prepared all of this for me?" Rya asked, watching as her friend poured her a cup of tea.

Katara smiled. "Of course we did."

"And where are the rest of your fancy friends?"

"Well, Fire Lord Zuko and his uncle are at a Council meeting, so they'll probably join us later. Though the rest of them are scattered all over the world."

"Really?" Rya's eyes widened. "I mean, I knew you all split up at Ba Sing Se. But I thought perhaps a few more of you had returned here."

"Um, no, they didn't," Katara hesitated for a moment. "As you know, Zuko and I traveled to the Western Earth Kingdom to sort something out. My involvement in the whole thing was only decided a few days before we parted, hence why the rest of them aren't even caught up on it yet. Little did we know that matter would end up dragging us right back to the Fire Nation."

"And they're still not caught up on it?"

Rya's question was one Katara had asked herself before. She had never been fully on board with Zuko's decision to keep everyone else in the dark about his mother. Sokka and her were the only ones who knew, and she was the only one effectively involved in the matter. For some reason, the situation didn't sit entirely right with her.

"Not really, though I suppose they will be one day," the waterbender admitted. "But we wouldn't want to bother them just when they are getting back into normal life."

"Girl, I don't think the term normal applies to any of you," Rya laughed. "You all saved the world, you've become an example for the rest of us."

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