Off They Go

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It hit her. Waking up and realizing it would be her last full day at the South Pole for a while. Katara looked around her sleeping chamber. It all seemed surreal. Just how fast things kept changing since the moment she had discovered the boy in the iceberg. Her life was now a constant transition, going from one place, situation, or emotion to another. Sure, it hadn't been bad at all. But it was pretty crazy to think about.

She got up, quickly putting on her clothes for the day. As soon as she stepped into the common area of her father's hut, the smell of freshly brewed tea welcomed her from the kitchen.

"Hey!" Sokka greeted her. "Good morning, I can't believe I got up earlier than you. Want to share breakfast? I've made some tea and there are some kale cookies ready to eat."

"'Morning, Sokka." She walked up to him and affectionately ruffled his hair. "Dad's out, huh?"

"Yeah, he is. Don't worry though, I'm sure he'll want to spend as much time with you as possible today."

It hit her again. She was leaving the next day. Luckily for her, the worst part had already been dealt with. Her family was aware of the nature of her departure, as Zuko had been onboard with her telling them the truth. Still, she had a feeling some important conversations were about to take place. Goodbyes were never easy.

Katara sat down next to her brother, a cup of tea waiting for her. "Thanks, really. You know, I'm gonna miss you so much."

"I've been meaning to talk to you about it," he said, a strain of concern detectable in his voice. "Are you sure you're up for this?"

"Of course, Sokka. Why wouldn't I?"

"Because I don't know, isn't it a little too soon? We've been home for barely a week! And now you're leaving to Gaipan with Zuko?"

She put down the cookie she was about to take a bite of. "Look, I appreciate that you're worried about me. But it's not too soon, not for me at least. You know how much his mother means to him, I cannot leave him alone on this one. We would do just the same for me."

"But are you sure you're feeling well enough to embark on a search right now?" He put his hand on her forearm. "Sist, with all that's happened recently. Aang, the Medical Center, the gang separating, the changes all over here... I just want to make sure you're ready."

To be fair, her brother had a point. Just about a month ago, she had been leaning on his shoulder, on the verge of tears, confessing how utterly lost she was feeling. And that sensation hadn't magically disappeared. But something inside of her screamed for her to do this. To go with Zuko. To help him find his mother. Perhaps by the time they found her, she would be feeling a little less lost herself.

"I'm fine, I promise. Things are moving a little too fast, I'll give you that. But I have to do this. I want to."

"I promised not so long ago that I would stay with you until the time was right. I'm asking you, as your big brother, do you need me to go with you?" His eyes showed determination, yet they lacked a desire for leaving home.

She took a sip of her tea before speaking. "Do you want to? I thought you were happy here."

"I am happy here. I love helping with the urbanization plans, you know that. But that wasn't the question."

Did she need him to go with them? The reality was, no. She knew his place was there, working with the Restoration Project, or at Kyoshi Island, visiting Suki. There was no real need for her to drag him into her plans. No, this was something she had to do on her own. She loved her brother, and that's why she wanted him to stay

"No, Sokka, I don't need you to come with us. Would I be excited if you did? Absolutely. But I know you have other plans in mind. And I promise you, I will take care of myself."

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