Blinking At The End Of The Road

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Daylight couldn't have come fast enough. The journey to Uton's house was favored with clear skies and warmer weather than the one from the previous days of travel. Up in the heights, gentle rays of sunshine brushed their skin, bringing a reassuring sensation amid all the eagerness that was - almost - palpable in the air.

Despite the uncertainty, Katara felt confident in their search. She was willing to follow him to wherever it would take them. The entire way had been filled with the soft echo of her voice, chattering to him about anything and everything, trying to keep him distracted. She understood. She knew how easy it could be to feel consumed by a cause, allowing that sensation to take away from everything else. But Zuko had been there for her during that phase. Now, it was her turn to do the same.

And what a time they've had together so far. Katara still couldn't believe how open they had both been about their past involvements with Aang and Mai. She thought her fallout with Aang had been obvious to everyone, but apparently, that hadn't been the case for Zuko. How lucky of her to have had the chance of clarifying the matter with him, alongside the whole Mai business. It had been a relief to hear about what had really happened between the two of them. To have Zuko confirm that his relationship with the girl was over for good had made her heart beat faster than ever. Because her feelings for him were everything but slowing down. And if the two of them were free to be with anyone they wanted... Well, that couldn't hurt.

Needless to say, the way he held her in his arms the previous night had sent her mind into a spiral of overly emotional thoughts. Even the slightest gesture from him was enough to get her pulse racing like wildfire. Though it was not the time to think about feelings - romantic ones at least - at that moment. She knew they had something else to worry about.

As soon as they distinguished a house on the horizon, they knew it was time to prepare for landing. Hiromi had been right, the small cottage was settled in a clearing, surrounded by a few trees, and with the mountains resting behind it. Not bad at all to spend a life of quietness. Especially after living through a war and a flood.

Once the two travelers found themselves at the front door, Katara tilted her head to look at the boy standing next to her.

"Whenever you're ready," she said, putting one hand on top of his shoulder.

Zuko gifted her the tenderest of smiles in return. "Now."

He knocked on the door, holding his breath as he waited for a response. Katara noticed her scarred eye twitching a little, most certainly because of how nervous he was. She squeezed his shoulder, wishing she could take all his uneasiness away.

Luckily for them, the door didn't take long to be open. A gentle-looking old man came out from the inside, with his eyebrows raised into a curious expression. It was Uton.

He rushed to greet them. "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Hi, um, good morning," Zuko mumbled. "Hiromi sent us from Gaipan to see you, she said you might be able to help us with something. You're Uton, right?"

The man seemed surprised by the situation. "Yes, I am. And you two are...?"

"Well," Katara rushed to answer. "I'm Katara, and this is Zuko." Pointing at him, she realized he might've preferred to keep his identity hidden.

Uton immediately flinched. "Fire Lord Zuko?"

Zuko gave Katara a look that said 'please, help' , before calmly nodding. "Yes, Fire Lord Zuko. But you mustn't tell anyone I'm here."

"My Lord, it's my pleasure to help you in whatever you may need," Uton said as he made a bow.

Katara noticed Zuko's cheek turning a little red. Although used to that kind of treatment within the Fire Nation, the last weeks for him had been ones of much less frigidity and politeness. He must've been a little rusty.

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