Confusion In Unpredictable Times

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Confusion was one way to describe what Katara was feeling at the moment.

"Zuzu! You're back!" Kiyi's voice threw her completely off. "You're just in time for the tea party!"

What on earth? The look on Zuko's face was the sheer image of shock. She noticed it in the blink of an eye, just how affected he was. Doubts were the only thing on her mind. The man and the kid from the square were both there. Yet Ursa seemed nowhere to be found.

"Excuse me, why are you here?" Azula's exclamation caused her to flinch. She couldn't let her blow their already weak cover.

Katara took a step forward, grabbing Azula by the shoulders. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry," she apologized to the man. The princess shot her a deadly glance, yet she stayed put. "We're looking for someone. Armeya sent us here."

"You know Armeya?" Kiyi asked, staring at Zuko with excitement in her eyes. "She's nice!"

"Kiddo, why don't go inside for a moment?" The man told his daughter, carefully leading her into the house. "I'll be there in a minute."

"But - dad!" the girl pouted.


"Go, go," Zuko seemed to have returned to his senses. "Listen to your father."

The little girl made her way back into the house, not without waving to them first.

As soon as she was out of sight, the man proceeded to speak. "Who are you looking for?"

"This woman," Zuko took out the portrait from his pocket. "Her name is Ursa."

"Though I think she goes by Noriko nowadays," Katara added.

"She's some kind of Master Herbalist or something." Azula sighed, her whole body looking tense, giving away her anxiety. "Again, this is supposed to be her house."

The man's eyes widened as he delicately took the portrait into his hands. For a moment, it looked as if he had just seen a ghost. A very threatening one.

"And?" Aang moved closer to them. "Sir, do you know her or not?"

He let out a defeated sigh. "It's been a while since the last time anybody has called her Ursa."

"Wait, you know her!" Toph exclaimed, approaching the man. "Please, just tell us where she is."

"Why on earth did she change her name?" Sokka mouthed from the back.

"And why is this supposed to be where she lives?" Azula insisted. "Did you and your child steal her home?"

"Everyone, stop," Zuko muttered, picking up his sight. "Please, tell us the truth."

The man nodded in silence, opening the door to let them into the house. Once they got inside, they found Kiyi playing with her doll in the living room.

"Why don't you all sit here?" he suggested, rounding up a few additional chairs. "Kiddo, we're going to talk in here for some time, please go to your room."

"Alight, dad, alright," Kiyi grimaced, sprinting out of the place. It was clear she understood the severity of the situation.

"So?" Sokka asked, plummeting onto the nearest couch. "How do you know Ursa?"

"Well," the man said, drumming his feet. "She's my wife."

"Excuse me?" Azula stood up on the verge of a scream. "Who are you to speak such things?"

"I'm Ikem, and Noriko - Ursa is my wife. Has been for almost six years," he insisted. "Now, who are you to come into my home and?-"

"This is your home?" Zuko whispered, his face white as the snow down at the South Pole. "She lives here... with you?"

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