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wei wuxian.


After running for about 5 minutes non stop I finally catch a sight of a brown hair boy. My chest hurts and my breathing becomes ragged. Ah- I'm not going to do a sudden run without warming up first ever again.

" Hey! You, stop! ", I yell, loud enough for the boy to hear. He comes to a stop though still glaring. God, why isn't he panting and sweating like me? What kind of heart does he have?

" Who are you? ", He says in the same strange language I don't understand.

" Umm, I only know Chinese, sorry. ", I catch up to him, still out of breath.

He sighs and runs his fingers through his brown locks, " What do you want? ", He says with a weird accent. Well, at least I can understand what he is saying right now.

" Why did you run away like that? Do you know how dangerous that is? What if you get kidnapped? Or or run over? ", I ramble.

" I don't see how that is any of your business. Leave me alone, kid! ", He scowls turning away from me and continues to run. My eyes widen, oh hell no.

" OH GOD! DON'T GO THERE! ", I yell but it is too late. It's all happening in slow motion. The boy stops in his tracks, eyes widening and backs away a little when he sees the beast. Standing in front of him, towering him by 3 ft in all four. Growling with his sharp teeth clattering, covered in saliva. Bright red eyes emitting a dark aura. Wolf. The Beast Wolf.

We are dead.

Without sparing a second, I grab the boy by his wrist, making him look at me in horror.

" What the hell are you still standing for?! RUN! ", I shout, running as fast as I can, with the boy following behind me.

" What the hell is that?! A freaking wolf?! ", He shouts in the same language I don't understand, still running for his life.

" I don't know what you are saying but we have to loose him or else we're dead! ", I yell, and suddenly an idea comes in my head.

" Come on, follow me! ", I let go of his wrist and run to an unattended alleyway.

" Where are you taking me?! ", He scoffs but continues to follow me from behind nonetheless.

" Somewhere that could save your life. ", I pant, damn, my chest is really hurting now.

My eyes light up when we reach the old construction area. This place has a high piles of round concrete tunnel thingy; I don't know what it's called; where my friends and I would hide in when we are being chased by Wolf. There are a lot of dangerous things like broken glass and rusty nails though but could you even think about that when you're being chased by a wolf sized dog? Yes, me neither.

I hurriedly climb up the pile to get to the top while the boy just looks at me in terror. " Hey! What about me? You're just going to leave me here? ", He shouts, angrily.

" Climb up, stupid! You want to be torn to pieces, limb by limb? Because I sure as hell don't! ", I yell, holding out my hand to him, " Come on! ", He takes my hand without sparing a second and climbs inside the tunnel thingy with me.

I pant out loud, " Haa- we- we finally lost him. ", I sigh in relief.

" Isn't he still outside though? ", The boy asked, panting slightly, pointing towards the direction where Wolf is barking and growling loudly.

" Yeah, and we have to wait here until it goes away. ", I sigh, leaning my head against the concrete.

A moment of silence surrounds us, making the situation awkward.

" Well, that's sound better than getting our limbs torn off, right? ", I joke, trying to lighten up the atmosphere.

" Mn. ", He averts my gaze, looking at the big dog barking angrily below us. The clatter of his teeth makes us flinch and scoot further inside the tunnel.

Geez, this silence is unbearable.

" Anyway, what is your name? ", I try to start a conversation.

He looks at me warily before answering, " ..Lan Wang Ji. "

" Oh! My name is Wei Wuxian, people call me Wei Ying though. I hope we'll become friends! I'll introduce all my friends to you. So you'll feel welcomed here. ", I give the boy before me a toothy grin.

He narrows his eyes at me and nods, " Thank you. For saving me. "

I punch his arm playfully, " Haha, you're making me shy. ", I laugh.

He quickly looks at his arm where I had just punched him. I awkwardly withdraw my hand and laugh.

" Where are you from? Your hair and eye colour are quite strange. ", I blurt out, making me cover my mouth with my palm. " Um, no offense. ", I eye his appearance slightly.

" ...I'm from New York. My mom is from China and my dad is from New York. I have my father's eyes and mom's hair. ", He says with a straight face.

God, doesn't this guy have emotion?

" Why did you move here? ", I asked again. He eyes me, clearly annoyed by my question.

".. My father got promoted as a secretary to a CEO of Dahlia Corporation here in Beijing so that's why we have to move. ", He explains.

Another round of silence.

" ", I tried to think of a suitable thing to say.. " .. do you.. not like it here? ", I asked in a low voice.

He locks his eyes with me, " Yes. "

" I-I see.. "

This time it's me who continues the silence chain. There's no point of making a conversation if the other doesn't want to.

God, please just make Wolf go away so that I can escape this. I am right now regretting helping this boy here.

I'm just about to open my mouth to pray quietly when a familiar voice yells out, " Wolf! What are you doing there?! Go to your house now or I'm not going to feed you! You're causing a ruckus in the neighbourhood.", Uncle Qiren's voice echoes in the small abandoned place.

Wolf whimpers and follow uncle Qiren back to his house. Oh how great it will be if I can have such an effect on Wolf just like Uncle Qiren. Uncle Qiren is a strict man which is feared by some children at our neighborhood. Some moms will threaten to call Uncle Qiren and Wolf if their child is misbehaving. What's more surprising is that it actually works!

" I-I guess he's gone already. ", I say while looking outside. Thank god, Uncle Qiren is here on time.

" Phew. ", WangJi releases a breath of relief, so soft that I almost didn't notice it.

" Come on. Let's get out of here. ", I slowly climb down the piles. WangJi slowly follows me from behind. Suddenly, he missed a step and slipped. Both of our eyes widen.

" Careful! ", I shout, running towards him.


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