twenty four

772 74 35

finding love.


To Lan Zhan : Hey, can you meet me at the coffee shop near your house real quick?

Almost immediately, Wei Ying's phone ping.

Lan Zhan : K.

Wei Ying smirks, shoving his phone inside his pocket. His gaze fall upon the girl in front of him. With her long slim legs crossed, right on top of the left, she sips on her coffee while typing something on her phone without a care of her surroundings. Her long nails making unnecessary loud clacking noises which somehow irks the student a little.

' Is this really a good idea? '

The awkward atmosphere between them is unberable so the boy thinks of introducing himself to lighten up the mood. He flashes her a smile," Um hello- "

" How much are you willing to pay me? ", The girl asks without tearing her gaze from the phone.

Wei Ying chuckles nervously, ' Straight to the point, huh? '

He clasps his fingers together, smiling widely. " 50 yuan. " The girl immediately looks up from her phone, staring back at him in disbelief.

" 500 yuan. ", She crosses her arms over her chest, straigtening her back.

Wei Ying frowns, " The hell? 70. "

" 450. ", She narrows her eyes intimidatingly.

Wei Ying being Wei Ying refuses to give up, " 100. "

" 300. "

" 110. "

" 200. "

" Still 110. "

She let out a sigh, standing up from her seat. " I shouldn't have agree to this. ", She mumbles as she slings her neon pink sling bag over her shoulder.

" Ah.. oh.. ", The boy stammers, staring nervously as the girl. As she was about to turn her heels to leave, Wei Ying grabs her by her wrist, stopping her.

" Fine. 200 yuan. ", He grumbles, he can hear his wallet crying in agony. She smirks showing off her perfectly straight rows of teeth and plopping herself on the seat next to the boy.

" So all I have to do is making her jealous right? ", She asks, resting her face on her palm while tilting her head to look at the boy who just nod as reply, reaching for his drink to take a sip.

She brings her other hand to her hips, " What should I do? Flirt with you? Do I have to kiss you? "

Wei Ying chokes on his water upon hearing that, he needs a good 10 seconds to compose himself back, " What the hell.. no.. ", He chokes out between his uncontrollable coughs.

Bringing his sleeve to his mouth, the boy wipes the string of water on his mouth, " All you have to do is make him jealous. But no touching me anywhere. " He points a finger at his plump lips, " Especially here. "

She scrunches up her nose in disgust, sticking out her tongue, " As if I want to do that. "

The girl shots Wei Ying a confused look, " Wait did you just said 'him'- "

" Wei Ying. ", A deep voice cut her off. Biting her lips, she lifts her head to look at the owner of the voice and her heart almost leaps out from her chest.

Standing in front of her, towering her in his 6'4 ft glory, stood a boy with his left hand tucked in his pocket while the other ones holding the phone. Glaring slightly at the girl, the tall boy turns his head towards the other boy.

" Wei Ying. You called for me? ", Lan Zhan asks, his eyes softening. But even so, he still felt his heart drops at the thought of Wei Ying seeing a girl, at this place. ' They're probably having a date.. ', He thought silently.

Wei Ying is dumbstrucked by the latter's angelic face. On second thought, no, he puts the angels to shame. The petite girl clears her throat, snapping Wei Ying back to the reality.

An awkward chuckle escaped his lips as his eyes fell on the taller's shirt, " Eh, Lan Zhan. Why are you still in your school uniform? "

" I rushed here as soon as I get your message. "

" Oh, I see.. ", Wei Ying smiles, gesturing to the seat opposite of his. " Take a seat, bro. "

" ..Bro.. mn. ", Lan Zhan hums, quietly walking towards the seat just as told. Wei Ying internally smirks in his head, I'm gonna get my answer today.

He clasps his fingers together, trying to hide his sadistic smirk which he succeed to. " Ah, Lan Zhan you must be wondering who this girl- "

" I'm his friend! ", She exclaims excitedly, cutting the latter's words off. She purposely faking a cute high pitched voice as she plops herself next to Lan Zhan instead. The tall boy's brows crease into a frown.

Wei Ying's eyes widen in disbelief as his brows also crease into a frown.


A humorless laugh escapes him as his lips curve into a wide smile.

" Hey, you remember the thing we discussed just now? ", Wei Ying chuckles at the girl, his fist slowly balled into a fist under the table.

She giggles in reply, " I think we should just forget it, Wei ge. ", scooting closer towards Lan Zhan.

The vein on his temple slightly popped. " I think we should not. "

She flashes Wei Ying a cute closed-eyes smile, " You don't have to pay for it then. "

" But- "

Before he manages to finish his words, another girl cut his words off. " Hi, I'm your waitress for today. May I take your order? ", A brunette girl with her hair pulled into a bun asked, holding both note pad and pen on her other hand.

" Ah, our order already came just now- "

" Yes, can I have the strawberry Fraps? And make it two, one for this guy over here. ", The girl points her long nail at Lan Zhan, smiling sweetly at him.

Lan Zhan doesn't know how to respond, and refused to. He stares at the girl with uninterested eyes. So she's not Wei Ying's lover? Who is this girl then?

" Okay! Noted. ", The waitress scribbles the order on the little paper.

" ..and you sir? ", She fixes her gaze on Wei Ying, who just shakes his head as response.

She leans over towards Wei Ying, " I know third wheeling sucks, young boy. So next time, bring your girl with you too. ", She chuckles, trying to joke and lighten up the mood between them.

Which she failed miserably.

Wei Ying just get more and more irritated by the couple in front of him. Knowing the waitress is probably older than him, he flashes her a smile and laughs her unfunny joke off.

A humorless sigh escapes his lips as he stood up from his seat. Lan Zhan's eyes follow the latter worriedly, " Wei Ying. "

" I have to go to the restroom. I'll come back, don't worry. ", he let those words left his tongue with no sign of cheerfulness like it always does.

As soon as Wei Ying was out of sight, the girl pries herself off Lan Zhan. The latter glares at her as she continues to giggle to herself.

" Oh god, his jealousy is showing. ", She leans her back against the seat, crossing her arms over her chest as a smirk craves itself at the corner of her red tinted lips.


this chapter is as short as me.

see ya around next week? ;)


finding love ʷᵃⁿᵍˣⁱᵃⁿTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon