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 Morning came too fast, Jungkook carried me to the bathroom as my legs were still wobbly. He helped me in the shower, and then helped himself to me in the shower. I wanted it as well so it was a win win. I just couldn't keep my hands off him and I wondered if it was suppose to be like this.

"Ah, yes. The honeymoon phase... that seems to last a long time." Pearl said as she sipped her tea. Jungkook was training some soldiers and I was spending lunch with my friends.

"Yeah. It works like that." Sapphire added with a smile as she looked out in the distance.

"Majesties." A Guard wearing Gold armor approached.

"Sir Lang. What brings you here?" Pearl asked him. He smiled and bowed to us.

"His Majesty asked that I deliver a message to you." He stated as he cleared his throat. "There's a bunt cake for you all, What's inside is most important." With his words a few kitchen staff came out carrying a rather large bunt cake. One of the kitchen girls was glaring at me, I recognized her as the one who had tried throwing herself at Jungkook. It didn't matter what his relationship was with her prior. He was mine now and I wasn't going to let her stares and glares bother me. I might have 'accidentally' pulled the top of my dress to the side more to reveal more of the clearly visible mark on my upper shoulder. The look on her face changed to one of clear jealousy, shock, and irritation. I just smiled and continued to pay attention to Pearl and Sapphire cutting into the cake.

"Oh! There's a note... 'Congratulations sisters, on your blessings and on your unity." Tour giggled and smiled happily as she read the note out loud. I smiled brightly.

"Aw, that's so sweet of him." Sapphire smiled.

"Leave it to brother Jin." Pearl giggled. "I really hope he finds his mate." She sighed as she placed a piece of the cake on a little plate and handed it to Ruby.

"I hope he doesn't." Ruby said, all of us equally looked at her with confusion and disapproval. "What? If he finds his mate he might not make us yummy cakes anymore.... That's not selfish." She said as she pointed her finger out with her last words, like she knew what we were going to say. We laughed at her instead, the way friends laugh at each other when they're being ridiculous. It was kind of cute of Ruby to say something like that though. Pregnancy was mellowing her out some, some.

After my time with the girls I headed to the library. As I got closer to the wall of books in the back I noticed a few books had been moved around. I looked through them, nothing. I looked at the spot I'd left the letter, my note was gone. In it's place was a feather. I wasn't sure what kind of feather it was but I took it back to Jungkook's room.
It was when I was passing by the kitchens when I suddenly doubled over in a strange pain. I wasn't sure what was happening exactly. I found myself down on my knees and suddenly a blur, a flash of green. I tightly closed my eyes and the when I had the courage to open them again I was kneeling in the middle of the forest by the Palace.

The really odd part was that I was alone, completely alone.... Or so I thought.

"Shul Krien!" The voice was low in tone but strong. I opened my eyes to see myself surrounded by others wearing clothes that looked like they were made of moss, all but one. The one looking at me, she was wearing a green robe with a golden sash around her waist.

"No, no Shul Krien with this one... yet." She spoke. I didn't understand.

"Krosis.." The man said as he bowed to the woman and stepped back. I looked between them. She continued to stare at me.

"He was asking if you had power yet. I told him no, and he apologized for opening his mouth." She noted as she tilted her head to the side slightly.

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