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Jennie woke up with Lisa holding her, their legs a tangled mess and so as their hair. For the first time in so long, Jennie woke up with a smile on her face.

The smaller girl turned around carefully to face a sleeping Lisa. She looked so peaceful. Long lashes carefully resting on the top of her cheek as her lips were slightly parted. Lisa never snored unless she was really tired, but even her snores were adorable.

Her bangs were messy and all over the place, Jennie giggled quietly when she remembered the times when she would tease the younger girl, accusing her of glueing her bangs to her forehead.

Jennie moved her hand to fix Lisa's bangs, taking a look at her forehead. She didn't know why Lisa was insecure of it, it's not even that big, it was alluring, in fact.

Jennie moved closer and placed a gentle kiss on Lisa's bare forehead, causing the other woman to move a bit, but still very much asleep.

The older girl decided to lay beside Lisa, staring at her. She thought about last night, and no, they did not have sex. It just felt wrong at the moment. They just laid in bed, kissing each other until their lips grew numb and one point in the night, Jennie fell asleep.

Lisa slowly stirred awake, painting a tight-lipped smile on Jennie's face at how adorable Lisa looked.

Lisa stretched her limbs before fully opening her eyes, the sight of Jennie greeted her.

"Good morning, Jen." said Lisa in a husky morning voice before pulling Jennie by the waist and embracing her tightly.

"Good morning to you too." giggled Jennie.

Lisa placed light kiss on Jennie's forehead, "What time is it?"

"I don't know." mumbled Jennie before burying her face in Lisa's neck.

Lisa shook her head, "Princess, we have to get up."


"Work, babe."

"Fuck work!"

"Jennie!" Lisa laughed.

"I just wanna stay home with you." mumbled Jennie against Lisa's neck.

"Let's take the day off?" suggested Lisa.

Jennie nodded in response before giving Lisa's neck a sneaky kiss and completely pulling away from her, "Let's make breakfast, I'm hungry. We didn't eat dinner yesterday."

"Right...." Lisa smirked.

Jennie rolled her eyes as sat up straight, her back against the headboard of the bed. She unplugged her cellphone that was laying on top of the nightstand from the charger and unlocked her phone.

Random notifications popped up, she only responded to her mom before typing a text to her assistant.

"Who's that?" asked Lisa, peeking through Jennie's shoulder.

"My assistant." answered Jennie plainly as typed out her message to let him know that she wouldn't be going to work.

"Maybe you should remind him that." commented Lisa as she read the previous text messages that Jennie hasn't responded to.

'Good morning, Ms. Kim!'

'Please drive safe, I'll be waiting for you!'

"He's just like that." said Jennie before pressing send.

"My assistant doesn't usually send me texts like that, Jennie." said Lisa.

"Why do you get jealous easily, nowadays, Lisa? I could've sworn it was the other way around." teased Jennie.

Lisa rolled her eyes, "Me? Jealous? Of your assistant? He wishes."

"Sure...." smirked Jennie.

"I'm taking you to work tomorrow." said Lisa.

"And why is that?"

"So I can tell your little assistant to fuck off." huffed Lisa.

Jennie found it adorable and decided to pinch Lisa's cheeks, "Cute."

Lisa rolled her eyes but smiled afterwards, "Let's make breakfast, I'm starving."


The couple cooked and ate their breakfast well, chatting and having a light-hearted conversation. After their meal, Lisa washed the dishes and Jennie decided to do her laundry, wanting to get some chores out of the since she technically has wasted an entire work day.

Lisa was done with the dishes and remembered that her luggage was still in her car. Whistling, she made her way to the garage and walked to the trunk of her car.

She easily pulled the large suitcase of the car and lifted the adidas duffle bag she brought with her.

Lisa didn't notice that the duffle bag was unzipped, a white box fell to the ground.

Narrowing her eyes in confusion, she crouched down and took the box into her hands. She took off the top and it revealed a letter in her mother's handwriting.

"I want to attend you and Jennie's wedding before I go."

Lisa's hand was now shaking as tears threatened to fall out of her eyes. The real reason why Lisa stayed in Thailand longer than anyone else had hoped was because her mother is currently battling breast cancer, and she wanted to stay by her side. None of that I want to mature as a person bullshit. She just made that up as an excuse, she didn't want her girls to worry.

And the reason why she came back to Korea was because her mom convinced her to. Her mom knew that she missed the three girls dearly, especially Jennie. Her mom specifically told her to not go back to Thailand without Jennie on her arm.

She doesn't want Jennie to take it the wrong way and think that the only reason why she's doing all of this was because of her mother, because Lisa is still very much in love with Jennie.

Tears escaping her eyes, Lisa slowly took the tiny red velvet box in her hands and opened it, revealing a gorgeous ruby ring that Lisa recognized all too well. It was her grandmother's wedding ring.

Through her tears, Lisa nodded, as if she got her mother's message.

"I love you, Mommy. Hold on a little longer for me, okay?" said Lisa to no one in particular as she put the small velvet box in the pocket of her sweatpants.


i cant wait for the comeback !! it's gonna be my first one hehe. the teaser poster ugly as shit tho ngl

twelve months after • jenlisaOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora