Chapter Twenty-One

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Sebastian groaned in frustration as he set down his papers with his mother's harsh words running through his mind.

He rarely let words get to him but it wasn't like her words didn't have any truth to them.

Was it really selfish of him to keep being with Arielle?

He knew she wanted a family but with his work, it would be too much.

He might just drive himself into the ground if he had to worry not only about Arielle, but their kids as well.

Arielle would never pressure him into having children until they were both ready but was it fair for him to seem to never be ready?

To any one, he was a bachelor known to have his fun occasionally and a workaholic.

Simply, a kid didn't fit into that lifestyle nor did the means of the public knowing about Arielle.

Regardless, he selfishly let those thoughts be pushed to the side as he looked at the clock and saw that it was already 2:00 P.M.

"Great." He thought as he sighed at the thought of not getting any work done even an hour after his mother left.

Despite dreading the long workdays and late nights coming up, Sebastian stood and grabbed the empty lunch Arielle packed for him and his briefcase.

"Mr. Catt—"

"I'll be leaving for the rest of the day. If there is any urgent notices that I must be informed about please have them call Mr. Jaxon Daniels first." Sebastian told his secretaries before getting into the elevator and turning his back around just in time to watch the elevator doors close and his secretaries breathing a sigh of relief.

With the mindset he had as he worked, the aura that Sebastian had when he was present at the company often had his workers tense and on edge when they came in contact with him.

It wasn't hard for him to call out minor mistakes and at time question someone's productivity and contribution. Working at him company was a major privilege and many were dying to get a position, Sebastian was one who didn't mind firing those who couldn't contribute to make the company better.

After all, that was why is company was so well-known and prestigious.

Their company products and projects were executed perfectly and created with the idea of 'quality over quantity'.

"I'll be driving myself home today." Sebastian spoke in the phone to his driver, "You can take the rest of today off."

As he ended the call and stepped from his personal elevator to the garage, he made his way to the car and made a note to pick up flowers and some paint for Arielle.

He could have another do it for him but it was the gesture that he knew she valued more.


"Are those flowers Seb?" Arielle asked as she kicked off her air forces and put them by the door.

"Yea, I thought you would enjoy them." Sebastian answered pulling her into a back hug, "Open the bag next to them, it's just a little something I thought you would enjoy."

Arielle smiled as she waddled with Sebastian's weight attached to her bag as she set her bag onto the living room table to reach to the present.

Her could tell that her eyes lit up as she pulled out the tubes of paint and some new brushes.

"You bought me some more paint! You're adorable." She exclaimed, setting the materials down to turn and pinch Sebastian's cheeks.

Sebastian's face quickly turned with a frown, "I can't believe I just let you do this to me."

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