Broken Echoes

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"Keep running." he cackled in the far distance. "It makes the hunt all that more interesting".

My legs seem to hold a grudge and escaping denied me entry. I could hear my clothes ruffle in the wind that fought against my strides; as I was racing against time . I was escaping: wasn't I?

I felt a sense of solace, when I saw my mom standing in the distance, her hands reached out to receive me.

As I drew nearer to freedom, her face started contorting; her smile creeping further up to her ear.

After seconds of grasping, stretching the length of my body to reach her, despite her new appearance, trusting her no matter what, she was no more. Leaving me once more to a battle I now considered mines.

I could hear the distance between him and I fade, it would seem as though she was there only to deliver me on a silver platter. His steps now heavier--his breath more hitched and the venom in his calls grew deeper, destroying all mental sanity I had remaining.

"Running won't help," he laughed within his protest "you're already mine."

He already knew he won; I couldn't help but scream, my sobbing loud, pain-filled. I glanced over my shoulder to guide my next move; without warning his hands held unto my hair, causing my body to fall back unto the floor.

"Please don't do this," I sobbed. "Please don't." tears started cascading down my cheeks as though they were running away from my already taken frame.

"Corinth wake up, it's ok, it's ok,".

"I'm here." her voice serenading me back to reality but due to her recent form, it compelled me to escape her hold. She was startled, shock apparent on her face.

I took refuge, escaping to the corner of my room, staggering weak, screaming that she'd stayed away. She motioned toward me. Her hands up in surrender. But I knew better than to fall for that again.

"Stay away, you monster. . ." My voice shattering, breaking with each word.

"You delivered me to him!" I screamed.

Her eyes welling up with tears, her eyes going dim.

She softly interjected, "I didn't mean to."

I screamed, "Not again." Whilst shaking my head, signaling no more.

"You lied," I whispered in between a sob.

"It was a dream. . ." She paused wiping away the tear that was streaming down her face." he can't hurt you." Another tear raced down her cheek.

"He could never hurt you again." Although I knew that her words held all truth. I couldn't help but be shaken up. Finally allowing her to come closer; I tugged at the hem of her nightgown to join me by patting the area nearest.

She plants herself and held herself upright, propping on her knees. I stretched out for her and wrapped my weak shivering hands around her waist as I sobbed into her clothing. She began crying also. My mom was my everything, she was my entire sanity.

Although I didn't feel like my tears were about to end, anytime soon, I pushed against her, She looked down at me." Mom I never once blamed you."

She smiled gracefully but I knew she would never forgive herself no matter how many times I told her that she wasn't responsible.

" Since today is your birthday mom should we go make your special breakfast?" I caught her off guard after I switched to a questionable quirky tone.

I stood upright and gestured for her to do the same; to which she eventually did.

"Eggs and bacon sound good?" To which she nodded gracefully.

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