I'm Living For the Secondth Time

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Corinth Pov

"Corinth are you Ok," Amelia asked as she approached me.

"I guess you can say that." I smiled.

"You want a hug?" She asked pulling her wavy hair into a tighter one.

I didn't respond but took it. I felt like if I didn't I would fall. Strength doesn't come easy in this life, nothing does.

She is taken aback by it and stumbled a little but tightened the hug. To which I smiled.

"Thank you," I muttered through her clothing.

"What happened in there? did she not want to talk to you?" She asked pulling me back a bit to look down at my face.

"I can't forgive her so easily," I responded not looking up to meet her gaze.

"Well don't," Amelia said and pulled me into another hug.

We stayed like that for a good 5 minutes before I pulled away from the hug. She wrapped her hands around my shoulders and we walked out toward the waiting area together.

"Today meant a lot to me," I looked at her as she walked behind her desk " thanks for being there," I said and I smiled at her.

"Maybe someday you will repay me." She chuckled.

"I hope so," I said reaching my hands out to accept hers bravely.

"Food." She returned the gesture and shook hands while laughing.

"Who are you and why are you shaking my daughter's hand." My mom was still far from sober and nothing was really adding up much to her.

"I'm Amelia Rose." She stood up and did a bow toward my mother.

"You don't have to. . ."

"I like her." My mom said while pointing at her as though Amelia couldn't be any better.

"Me too but we should get going."I wrapped my hands in hers and threw Amelia a grateful smile before abandoning the room.

"Where is Caleb?" I asked noticing that he wasn't anywhere around.

"He left a while ago and he told me to tell you he would come over later." I unintentionally blushed. " he had to collect some assignments from his teacher and he said he would collect yours as well.

"Someone has a crush on Caleb I see." She gives me a push in between her laughter.

"Let's just get home mom," I said pulling the door open for mom to enter.

"Should I drive?"

"Corinth you don't even have your permit." She staggered backward.

"Your brain isn't working." She then chuckled.

"You have a point there." She said slurred holding onto the car for balance.

The drive home wasn't so bad. Except for when I almost ran over the four dogs crossing the road. But I didn't.

"See now that wasn't so bad." I parked the card slanted into the road. Since I never learned how to park.

"You almost killed us." She held her chest.

"I didn't and that's what counts." I picked up my bag and stepped out of the car while turning off the engine.

"So I noticed you have been touchy recently and I called the psychiatrist."

"But I'm getting better mom."

"That's the point I want to make sure there aren't any relapses." She added.

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