Can We. . .

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"Isnt it weird they have been talking for quite sometime, maybe it's just a casual conversation, what if it's about me." I said disheveling my hair. Leaving it in a windblown state. "Ugghh Kimmy."

"I wonder if she told him everything?" I threw myself unto the bed causing it to bounce a bit as I stared at the ceiling.

"Why aren't you guys saying anything?" I stopped now turning my attention fully on them. As I propped my head up on my palms.

"Kimmy asked for a break." Derrick spoke out not making eye contact as he ran his fingers through his hair and his eyes faded. I hadn't notice how distant the two of them had been since they initially arrived. They would usually be joking around or Derrick would be speaking none stop garbage.

"Is that true?" I looked at Kimmy for reassurance. To which she nodded; fixing her folded legs.

"Why?" I sat up and moved across to where she was seated on the bed.

"Its a lot to talk about maybe when he isn't here." She picked up her phone and starter running over Pinterest photos.

"I'm right here Kimmy you could at least acknowledge that, we never agreed on hating eachother and to focus on ourselves." He got up and walked over to us. He stood there for about five minutes with no words and then leaned down to face Kimmy and kisses her forehead and walked away.

"Are you sure you want him to leave like this?" I questioned. As he had already gone through the door of my room and was now heading toward the staircase.

"I am." She said in a waver. But she wanted to seem confident and I knew it.

"So since he isn't here, would you like to share what's been bothering you?" I turn her to look at me. To which I notice a tear streaming down her cheeks and I reached forward to hug her. To which she accepts and I could feel the warmth of her tears as she broke.

"I love him." She cried.

"I know you do, so why let him go?"I hugged her tighter.

"Because we are too broken, we are too drenched in the idea that we are guilty to ever love one another and I hate that." Her tears now flowing.

" But don't you love eachother?"I questioned while gently stroking her hair.

"I love him enough to want better for him," she paused and pulled away " I love him enough to not hold him back from forgiving himself."

"Forgive himself from what?" I looked at her eyes searching for answers.

"I know I've never said this to you before but when my parents died in that fire that day it was because of me, they went back thinking I was there but I wasn't there. I left the house when they said not to." Her tears rolled down and I couldn't move in shock as to how I've never known.

"Why didn't you?" I held her hands " You know it's not your fault." I gripped her hands tighter.

"If I had only listened to not go; without letting them know first." The tears flowed faster. She almost couldn't breathe.

"They would want you to be happy to know that you should forgive yourself for whatever you think is your fault." I explained.

"He believes he killed his sister." It was so much to learn. Like everyone has been battling their demons in line with me and pretending to smile. It wasn't fare.

My Letter To The StarsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz