Give It back

52 18 37

Corinth's Pov

Today was Saturday precisely two weeks before winter break. Kimmy suggested that we visited the mall and purchase any necessities before the stores ran out of the good stuff. As much as I loved the cold the frost bites aspect never quite won me over.

Lex hadn't arrived yet. She had called to say that something came up and that she would be running late. Alexa and I wasn't on the best of terms because of what happened but she was trying and I wanted to give her a chance.

Initially, we were playing a thrilling game of COD ( call of duty) to pass the time. Derrick had introduced the game to us a while back; we girls vowed to get better at it than he was. Not near impossible.

After a few hours of beasting; and dominating the online battles, mom interrupted, beckoned that we give her ear a break. I get it though, we were yelling at the top of our lungs. Infuriated anytime the other team took our flag. Like how dare they.

So to avoid the awkward silence that had now dominated the room. I decided to tell Kimmy about Luke. At first, she didn't believe a word I said and melted into spontaneous laughing fits and bathing me in boulders. That I guess I needed since it never stopped pouring.

When she finally caved and believed what I said. I was bombarded with a lot of 'how sweet' and ' wait really' at respective intervals. It was funny to watch how excited she got about my love life. It reminded me of my first kiss. She was more thrilled about my newly achieved cuties than I was.

"Derrick, Cori has a fetus writing poems for her," Kimmy shouted across to Derrick who is jumping off the black rug and back on again. I think he said since none of us wanted to play riverbank with him that he would do it alone.

"Some people still do those things, like, how do you put emotions into words, is the pen in love too?" He then sits down; squirms in his seat while scratching his head. As if that would suddenly make his brain work.

" Better question, hold up guys, what does he see in Corinth anyway?" Derrick laughs while walking toward me and snatching the poem out of my hands. Leaving Kimmy in a laughing frenzy at his attempt to discredit Luke's undying love for me. That was a joke by the way.

" Could you give it back?" I whisper shout. He stays plummeted into the poem.

" Oh This is good but he is so lying to you right now," Derrick said while twerking. This boy never ceases to amaze me.

" You are so mean when you're ready, you know that?" I muster up the strength to say. He notices how grim I look and sends me a wink.

" I was kidding, you know you're beautiful" he looked over at Kimmy before using his hand to block her from seeing his mouth move. He then mouths ' I would so date you.'

" You know I have eyes everywhere right?" Kimmy interjected causing Derrick to jump.

" Oh honey, she has nothing on you," Derrick said jumping into her lap and falling off unto the rug.

" Hey, guys y'all ready to go?" Lexa asked as she enters the living room causing all of us to face her.

" Yeah we are, mom just wanted to finish up her briefings and she will be right with us," I informed her to which she then nodded.

" I heard Luke from Calculus wrote you a poem?" Lexa asked giving me a weird eye as she walked over and dunked herself unto the sofa.

" Who did you . . . "

" It doesn't matter who I heard it from, but what did you say?" Lexa asked while looking at me with a quizzical brow and propping her face up with her hands. She looked so excited, although what happened between us a few weeks back was terrible, that's what relationships were about. Being able to deal with better or worse.

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