I Thought You

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Corinth's Pov

"Mom, wait  what ?" She grinned as she mocked me.

" Corinth I'm sorry," she paused as she stirred her coffee for like the seventh time "but it is what it is," she said nonchalantly. How dare she in a time like this just sip her coffee like she was in a palace.

" Out of all places Caleb's house," I shouted gaining her full attention. Her beautiful blue eyes creeping over to meet mines.

" Is it that you have a whittle crush on Caleb?" she asked playfully. Gaining herself a stink eye.

" Lex likes Caleb's mom not me, I could barely even understand his motive most days." I kept blabbering on. I hadn't even noticed until mom started snapping her fingers.

"And you don't have a crush," she said with confidence. My face was now red. I guess I was just flustered about the whole situation and anger is red so I was simply angry.

"No, I don't," I said with annoyance and a hint of anxiety toppling over in my voice. I move toward her and plant myself adjacent to her. The boldness of her coffee cause me to erupt in an immediate state of nausea.

"So how long will you be going for?" She handed me a brochure in response to my question. It was filled with colorful curly words. It had a ceremonial event at NASA but it didn't have a duration period on it.

" Again I ask, how long will you be going for?" She looked up from typing into her computer.

"Three days, sorry I thought it was on the brochure. "

" It's fine, but three days mom, really, what if I kill him in those three days?" I asked. She looked shocked at first, her eyes opening wide and her pupils becoming extremely constricted.

" You don't have a mean bone in your body," she said in between a snort." You can kill him with kindness." she laughed.

"Jess was really nice about it so I ask you to show her your gratitude." I got up and abandoned the room too irritated to look at her.

Walking toward my room I felt lost. Like I was living but not actually living. It was as though time was passing and I was standing still waiting for others to tell me to take the next step.

As I entered I was coaxed with my favored vanilla scented candle that stood at my bedside. It became the lullaby dad sung to me nightly. The only way sleep would accept my petition.

Since today was my last day home until mom dropped me off. I decided that writing Derrick a letter was my best bet. In-person words would never come out the way I wanted, battling me for my sane words. Taking my truth and denying me the use of it.

Dear Derrick goofball.......

Nope, that won't work I can't call him names while apologizing.

Dear Derrick:

That should do just fine. I sat on the floor with my feet folded, looking strangely like noodles. I propped a notepad up and started writing the letter. At first, a ridiculous wave of writer's block knocked me over. The pen stood still. Both of us waiting for the other to begin.

After an hour of torment. I was finally done, I slipped it into an envelope and placed it under my pillow. I wanted him to feel my words in essence not only in symbolism.

"Jess is going to be here for you in a few, I suggest you get packing." My mom said as she peeked her head into the room.

" Hey, mom," I said with a sheepish grin across my face. "I'm gonna miss you a lot." She smiled back but not long before she gave me a wiggly brow.

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