The Rest

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I woke up to my phone blaring at the side of me. My eyes finally pop open and I turn to meet an empty space on the bed. Where the sheets were a bit disheveled.

I rose up and folded the sheets to meet my chest. The phone flashed moms name and I knew all too well what she would say. Why did I leave? Why would I risk it?

I would have loved to have answers to those questions. I'd love to be able to react and hope that people could understand me. I stared at the ceiling and allowed my mind to serenade my thoughts. I picked up my phone and rest it against my lips. 'Sorry mom'.

I kissed the screen and placed it face down. I gathered my things that I noticed were folded neatly to the side of the room. I immediately blushed in remembrance, of last night's events. Taking slow, embarrassed steps over to my clothes. My eyes came into contact with a white paper folded. I also became aware to these soft things under my feet. I looked down and found flower petals. A variety of colors. The aesthetic was pure.

I picked up the note. Time is scary but would you like to spend the time that you are permitted with me by your side?

I blushed and I probably resembled a tomato at this point. His words, so pure. It reminded me of nothing that this world ever had to offer. But him he was more, so much more. So less disappointing.

I decided not to wear my clothes, and went in search for a shirt of his;  I continued over to the closet that had a few broken places and a few scratches on it. I began pulling shirts off hangers but none felt like his. I began wondering if they belonged to his dad. I ran my hand across the board on the sides as placed my hand there for support and the board felt shallow; I then noticed an outline of a square and I pushed it and a note was stocked to the wall. Did he know I would go there. I thought to myself.

I picked it up, but I immediately felt dust climb unto my fingertips. Is this not from Caleb?

My suspicion grew, and I tugged the lid open. It was authored Ethan...... to Tyanna.

I don't know when you would find this.
My heart felt heavy was I the first to find it. I looked up and around at the empty room.

If you are reading this letter, that means I am already dead. I know you would come here in search of answers. I wrote this letter, when I came to terms with the idea that taking my life would be better for you and Caleb. I am so sorry my love, I promised to be with you through thick and thin, but a few failed attempts at life and here I am ready to give up, I can't live to disappoint you, I can't disappoint my son, I can't stay Tyanna. I hope one day you can forgive me.

I noticed a few dried up drops. Which I would assume to be tears and I held my breath.

Please don't tell him, could you promise me that, you would never tell him, that I did this, I was his hero. He looked up to me. I know that the choice I made was selfish. Promise me that you would help him, promise me that one thing, you may be so confused right now, and I can't justify my actions. I love you both.
                                     Goodbye My love

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