Be Brave

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Corinth Pov

The shower was cold but refreshing. My mind was clear. Everything was so peaceful. Trusting in the will to survive; giving destiny my hand and hoping for it to stare me back to believing.

Washing my hair and washing off what Luke did to me. Caleb had distracted me so well that I almost forgot everything that happened.

Scrubbing my skin. Tears began rolling down my cheeks unconsciously not being able to hold back. I knelt down and folded myself.

"Giving up feels so much easier." I chuckled insanely to myself. Now laying flat and staring at the water that collided into my body. Hearing the knocking sound.

"Why is the world so cruel?" I sobbed holding myself together." What did I do to deserve what the world has dished out."

I picked myself up and leaned forward allowing the water to spill unto my head.

"Mom." I cried." I'm hurt, it hurts mom." I sobbed harder while trying to muffle the scream pending to leave.

"Corinth are you ok?" Caleb's voice spoke from the other side of the door and I quieted my breathing.

"Yeah I am, you can go." I said in a wavered tone.

"Your not I can hear it." If you don't tell me what's going on I'm coming in there in the next 3 seconds.

"3. . . 2 .

"Just leave me alone." I screamed." Please." I whispered lowly as a tear raced down and joined the water flow.

I heard a sigh of frustration and footsteps fading away.

I was sorry toward him after everything and how hard he fought to help me. But who I am never really permitted me to be ok. I could see Luke in my head. His evil smile, those wicked eyes. I can't let him win.

I stepped out of the shower and dried up. Then slipping on a pair of jeans and a slack white t shirt that belonged to Jess.

The house was quiet.

"Caleb are you there." I shouted and I heard my voice echo. " are you there?" I awaited his voice but there was none.

"I pushed him away didn't I. " I held myself and walked toward the front door. Allowing myself to be coaxed by the cold winter air that drizzled unto my skin as I exposed myself to the outside. I felt my pores raise as it swept throughout my body.

The scolding winter call of the chickadees. Wind howling through the oak trees that I can now see and whistling through the pines. Breathtaking.

I stepped out, forgetting whether or not I should have taken a warm piece of apparel. I then took off into the only familiar direction I knew.

Walking through the trees felt foreign considering the darkness hid their beauty before. The snowflakes  spotted on the leaves were a beautiful coating of perfection.

I took long strides to combat the coldness, that was now starring it's way into my bones. My eyelids were heavy with the new company of splintered crystals and my nose I'm positive were a bright shade of pink.

Although it was an unbearable feeling. I wanted to continue. As I neared the destination. I noticed the firewood pieces that were a result of the fire the night before and the candles stood there. I felt a sense of solace.

Despite my shivers. I was compelled to stay. To listen to the sweet tunes that the wind played on it's very own  violin. I felt free for once. No one around to force a smile on my face. No one to tell me I couldn't. Just me and nature. Maybe the stars spoke to the clouds before they shared the snowflakes with us.

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