Red Roses

53 17 28

Corinth's Pov

After Caleb stopped to let me off; he takes off; I wasn't able to say thank you. I watched on to see where he would park considering he was my only way home,I saw him take a right and sped off into the distance. Where was he going?

"Hey Cori, we went over to your house this morning but it was locked?" Kimmy questioned. As she approached me leaving Lexa and Derrick speaking.

"Oh Uhm. . . " I stutter in response " My mom and I got up really early, we had a long mother-daughter talk and took a drive." I responded as I tucked my hair behind my ear.

We then walked toward Derrick and Lex who were debating whether or not women should open the door since she was a feminist.

" When Caleb and I get married, I won't open a door in my life ever again," Alexa shouted. Her hair was disheveled and her eyes looked an irritated shade of red.

" Oh yeah Caleb seems to be more interested in Corinth flicking her hair back mean girl style, than your entire life story. " Derrick laughed. Causing some students to shout 'oohs'.

Alexa reaches over and punches Derrick causing his head to jerk back. Kimmy and I run over to stop them from further hurting each other.

" Guys why are you. . ." Before I was done asking the question Lexa interjected.

" I don't want to hear a word you have to say not now and not really ever ." her tone held warriors in it. All charging toward me.

"What is going on Lex, I thought we were fine. Aren't we ok?"

"Fine, that's a first Corinth, when your around because of what happened to you, whatever anyone else has to go through it just can't match up." Alexa says spitefully.

" Alexa where is this coming from? we were fine, we have been doing okay. I was even able to look passed you assaulting me in my home and this is what I get."

"Alexa, it was you who did that to her?" Kimmy holds her mouth in disbelief.

"Yeah I did!" Alexa screams as she ran off pushing through the crowd.

"Why didn't you tell us?"Kimmy walks toward me, her eyes were glossy.

"I thought if I forgave her that we could look passed it, I won't hate her for what happened, if I could have forgave him for what he did to me, I thought I could have moved on with her."

"Never forget Corinth that it's ok to give people chances but it's not ok when they keep walking all over you." Her words resonated with me.

"Derrick are you ok?" I shifted the focus of the conversation. Kimmy got the idea and left the topic alone.

" I'm ok, go check Lexa." He demanded

Kimmy went toward the direction Alexa did  through the crowd of students. Our group although we were upset with one another we kept each others mentals at bay and I wouldn't be upset with her for going to ensure Alexa's sanity. For a second the wind told me secrets and I smiled.

" Derrick are you okay?" I asked in a comforting tone as I pulled myself together.

" Just because I told you I have feelings, doesn't mean I want your pity". he spewed sternly.

" Just kidding Cori breathe, and why didn't you tell us about what happened with Alexa, we're we suppose to go one believing that nothing wrong happened."Derrick said while rubbing his jaw.

" Thank God, I thought you hated me," I said letting out a choked laugh before handing over the note and ignoring the later part of his statement.

"No I don't hate you Corinth and I don't think I ever could," Derrick said in a warm tone.

My Letter To The StarsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon