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Lea’s POV --


I could go on for days, maybe years or even centuries upon centuries, just explaining how school is a complete waste of my time. Does it look like I’ll need to discover the circumference of circles when I’m older? I highly doubt it.


Not only are the academics unimportant to me but the people in general as well. After last night, I completely shut Kira out of my system. I moved my seat away from her, I sat at a completely different lunch table and I made sure to take different routes throughout the hallways. Each class seemed to last a lifetime and after the bell rang for each period, I felt myself growing old. Maybe I was just tired, I didn’t get much sleep anyway-Lana collapsed onto her bed and was snoring within two seconds while I, on the other hand, sat on her couch and stared at the walls since I was too lazy to turn on the TV. I also had this slight fear that turning on the TV would create some sort of ruckus and the last thing I need is to start commotion, especially at around one or two in the morning.


Sandrine was a different topic. Something about her made my skin crawl uneasily. I could never tell whether she liked me or completely hated my guts. One minute she’s all smiles and passing around compliments, the next she’s giving me dirty looks and scoffing smart comments that are too low for me to catch on to.


Bottom line is, I’m one hundred percent on my own now.


At this very moment, I stand in the bathroom staring at my reflection. I don’t recall how long I’ve been doing this, probably for about ten minutes or more. This wasn’t an act of cockiness, in fact I wasn’t even staring at my features, I was just staring at myself. My thoughts were all over the place and my subconscious was prancing around trying to catch all the fluttering pieces of paper which hold essays discussing different subjects of my woes and enjoyments. A girl steps into the bathroom and I decide to give myself a break from the endless gawking. Nonchalantly, I pull out my phone from my back pocket and decide to text Jason. We haven’t spoken all morning and normally I’d text him first thing as soon as I wake up, even though I‘m perfectly aware he won’t see it until he awakens in the next hour or so.


School would be over soon and I knew for a fact that Jason is always awake during the afternoon. Waiting for a reply shouldn’t be a hassle.


As I wait, I begin to think of last night. Not the bad things because I was sick of putting myself down. Instead, I thought of Jason and only Jason. Just before we departed, I could visualize every single detail that took place. From the moment we leaned against his car, or whatever car it was, up until I pressed our foreheads together. There was this overwhelming feeling building up inside of me and I couldn’t quite position my finger over it. It was more than butterflies piling up in my windpipes, it was more than fire igniting in my cheeks or my intestines twirling into knots of dismay. And the words I spoke to him, I meant every word. He was worth it and he’ll always be worth any sort of punishment I’ll come to face.


How can that be? It’s so strange to think that I’m finding myself grinning over the simple thoughts of a boy who probably only thinks about me every other hour. To think that I’m overjoyed when I stand beside a living ‘danger zone’. He gives off the vibe of the devil but I see nothing but an angel. My feelings are so jumbled together, I can’t seem to explain myself properly.

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