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"I'm pregnant." She whispered crying clutching her stomach. He looked at her shocked and confused. He stood there rigid, not knowing what to do or think. He is going to be a father. At the age of 15. That did not sit well with him. "Markus, please say something. Markus. Don't be silent. Please tell me something." It was their first time making love and it bore fruits faster than they thought because non of them thought of using protection. "Markus?" She was only 14 years old. He looked at her tearful eyes thinking that him being a father was not such a big issue than her. She was going to be a mother earlier than she should have. What were they thinking?

"It's okay." He whispered his mind made up. He was going to have to be a father soon. He needed to grow up. Study hard have his own chains of restairants and accomplish his dreams for his children. "It's okay." He whispered taking her into his arms and holding her tight.

"Are you sure?" He nodded smiling at her and wiping her tears. "For real, you aren't going to abandon me right?"

"I'd never leave you Sam. I'll take good care of you and our child okay?" She nodded. Now, how was a 15 year old school kid supposed to take care of a 14 year old girl including a child? That, he didn't know. What he did know is that he had to take responsibility and he would eventually learn slowly.

So they did eventually tell their parents who seemed okay with it since their marriage was planed by both sides when they were little kids. By the time the twins were born, Markus' love for her had grown more. He was happy with her and he did everything in his power to be there for her.

High school was over for Markus who had turned 18 and proposed to Samantha but had to wait till she was 18 and ready. The twins, Tryzah and Victor, had grown fast and now were ready to join school being sponsored and spoiled by their grand parents.

Markus worked really hard to earn his own name. He didn't want any support from his parents. He was the black sheep in the family after all. They only took care of his children just to keep up a good image otherwise, he would have been kicked out of the house.

By the time he was 21, he had started his own small restaurant enough to keep him and his family. They lived at the top of the building while he worked at the ground floor. The place was spacious enough but he wanted to grow big and make his children proud of him.

With the support of his 8 year old children and the pushing of his wife Samantha, he was able to build another restaurant, a big one this time and hired people he knew needed the money and trained them well. He, by then was able to afford a 4 bedroom bungalow and take his children to a better school.

At the age of 23, Thanks to a page in the local news paper, his luck grew. He managed to find partners and built restaurants all around the country. Victry Group of Restaurants was the name in honour of his two children, Victor and Tryzah. His life changed from then onwards. He was rich, famous and wanted. His wife was proud of him, his money and basked in the attention of the reporters. His children got a good life and were smart in school stating good grades. He was happy with his family and always took his time for them.

He lived with his little family avoiding everyone knowing that if they would be looking for him now, they would be wanting his money. They say Power comes with responsibility and that's true. Ever since he became filthy rich, he gained some enemies, really strong, competitive and powerful enemies but he also had some allies whom he could trust. The main enemy he made for himself was his family, his father's family. His father wanted all he had worked for to be under his name as a family business leaving him with little to nothing shares. That family was greedy and would do anything to get their hands on his fortune. That's why he now is an expert in fighting, in any way, karate, judo, boxing name it. He knows.

At 25. He was expecting another child from Samantha. He couldn't be any more happier. He wanted more children but his wife was not ready and he was willing to wait. But another child brought joy into the house. Samantha was pampered, spoiled and centre of his attention, his children too gave attention to her. Everything went on well during the pregnancy till birth. The baby had the umbilical cord around her neck and for a successful delivery, she had to go through so much pain for so long that Markus thought that he was going to loose them both.

"Get it out of my sight." She screamed moving away from the beautiful pink child who was being held by her father. "I don't want to see it."

"Come on Samantha, she's beautiful. Look at her. Little Sandra." Markus said letting the little one grab his finger. "Just take one look at her and you'll get to love her." He pushed the bundle of his joy foward and she screamed horrified making the little one shriek too. "Now see. It's okay little firefly." He took the little one outside to meet a nurse who took the child from him.

"I'll look after her. You need to go see the doctor." She said leaving for the nursery. "Don't worry I'll find someone to breast feed her for you." He nodded thankfuly before heading to the doctor's office.

"She has depression. It might be triggered by the long labour or the pain she's gone through." Markus got concerned. "You shouldn't push her hard but introduce her slowly to Sandra.."

"Sir, she wouldn't stop crying. She is well fed and no fever or sickness." She said as the doctor checked on the child.

"Give her to me." She handed him the child who immediately stopped crying and started at her father. "You already behaving like a spoiled brat on your first day on earth?" They all chuckled.

Things dropped down after that. Samantha became a drunkard. She would go and come back late into the night not even bothering to check on her baby. She wanted nothing to do with her. She would go spend money, come back home drunk, sleep all day then go out again. Markus and the twins worked hard with Sandra who demanded attention all the time. He would go with her to work and back home cook for the children then sleep a little before she woke up and life was a circle for 2 weeks and he was fed up.

"Samantha. What is going on with you? I can't be handling all of the responsibilities alone. I'm tired working for the money you spend and still take care for the children. It's time we talk." He said as he rocked the child.

"I'm tired of this marriage. I want a divorce. I'm in love with Pete. You can have the kids but I'm taking Every thing with me." As she said that, buff men got in armed. He held his child close to his chest. "Sign those papers if you want to see them alive." His twins came in being held at gun point.

"They are your children." She shrugged as if she didn't care. She really didn't care. Tryzah was thrown in the floor and kicked hard he almost jumped on the guy but Sandra wailed reminding him of her. "You really mean it. You are kicking us out of my own house? Fine." He took the papers and signed them. Everything he had under his name were now hers.

He wasn't worried. Luckily enough, he had placed enough money in his children's accounts and he took them to start a fresh which he grew back but his wife, ex wife still wasn't satisfied. She wanted to see him ruined.

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