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"Hi, We are on way to the house." It hadn't passed 2 weeks and Tyron was seeing why Markus paid him more than he expected. "I'll try and loose th.... uh, Markus?"

"Tyron? What happened?" Markus was worried on the other end of the line. He was sure Tyron could handle what ever came to him but those were his kids He was with. How would he manage the 12 year olds and the six month old child? "Tyron?"

"Markus, I have to stop. Talk to the kids till I come back okay?" Tyron slowed down and stopped. "The car is bullet proof right?"

"Yes but wait, Tyron. I'm almost there." Markus said stepping on the gas peddle. He was worried about the bodyguard in a way and didn't want him getting hurt too.

"You'll be late. The front tire is busted and they have surrounded the car."

"How many are they?"

"5, around 6?" Tyron turned to the kids. "Here." He gave Victor the phone. "Talk to papa. Stay with the keys and don't open the doors for anyone but me or your father alright?" They nodded. "Keep the headphones on her and scream if anything happens." He smiled and got out being met with a blow.

He fought with the men, kicking, blows, head butt till he was the last man standing with a splitting headache. He turned to the car but before he got in, someone held his hand. He turned ready for another round of fight but was glad seeing Markus.

"Tyron, are you okay?" He checked his bruised face then his body. "You don't look good."

"I should have gotten out of the pool when you said so." Tyron gripped his head sneezzing. He turned to the fallen men. "What do we do about them?"

"Don't worry about it. Get in, I'll bring the kids back." He helped him settle before knocking at the tinted window. "Hey kids. Are you okay?" They nodded. They had already gotten used to this so it hadn't shaken them much but they were scared in a way.

"We are fine dad." Victor said helping his sister up after handing his younger sister to his father. "Where is Tyron?"

"In the car. His flu is coming up." They all chuckled remembering how he insisted of staying in despite the chattering of his teeth. "So, let's go home." The minute they were outside, there were cars there, the clean up crew.

"Urgh, my head hurts. What time is it?" Tyron groaned as Markus continued towel bathing him to reduce the fever.

"11 am. Here take these, they'll help." He handed him some medicine with a glass of water before going back to what he was doing.

"What?" The kids got in with breakfast. "Why are you guys not in school and at work?"

"All at home when one is lone. We all stay back to help whoever is sick. It's our family thing." Victor shrugged placing the tray on the table.

"But.. I.." Tyron started and he was cut short by Tryzah.

"You are part of our family Tyron." She said smiling innocently. "Well, until daddy opens his eyes and sees you."

"Oh come on Tryzah, I already told you...."

"And there they go again." Victor said rolling his eyes.

"I have a headache can you please fight outside." Tyron said gripping his head. He does not do good with flu. They always got serious to a point of hospitalization.

"Shut up!" The daughter and father yelled but immediately turned to him. Tyron didn't look good at all.

"Tyron?" Markus quickly placed his hand on his forehead. "Tryzah, thermometer" she ran out and came back with one. They impatiently waited for the 1 minute to pass before checking. "39.5? This is not good. We have to get him to the hospital. Get an ambulance."

"It's so hot." Tyron mumbled turning trying to get his shirt off. Markus helped him then continued replacing the now warm towel on his forehead with another cold.

"They'll be here in five." Victor said coming in being followed by Tryzah who had a bucket of cold water. "I also called aunt Sheryl so please stay there with him till he gets better."

"Okay, thank you son." Aunt Sheryl is a good friend of Markus who watched and helped the kids grow. She loved them and he didn't worry much.

"Aatttcchhhu. Sorry." Tyron said as Markus helped him clean up. The ambulance arrived and they left for the hospital. The kids came to say hi later on during the day but then went back home leaving a sleeping Tyron and a worried Markus.

"Sir, we need to check on him." A young nurse came in with some stuff in a tray. He moved and she did her job before leaving. The doctors had been going in and going out not telling him what's wrong and it's killing him.

"Hello, I'm Dr Layla. I've looked into everything and he's okay. Just a flu. He needs a lot of rest so I'll keep him here for two days. Till the fever is down." Markus nodded.

"Thanks doc." He got out and went straight for Tyron's room finding him arguing with the nurse. "What is wrong?"

"I just can't stay in bed." Markus pinched his nose bridge. He was tired. He had stayed all night taking care of him, he just couldn't handle a stubborn him.

"Tyron, please do what the nurse said." He said taking a seat next to the bed. "You are staying in bed till you get well." And that he did. Two days later he was back to driving the kids to school.

'Hey what are you doing?' Markus texted Tyron being bored.

'Trying to make a woman move off the road. We need our ICE CREAM.' He chuckled at the reply he got. 'Damn it. An accident now. I'm gonna ddddiiiieeee.'

'Where are you?'

'At that bakery you showed me. We are going there instead.' After a minute he added another. 'What are you doing'

'Listening to people repeating themselves.'

'In a meeting?'


'You should stop this. Now, I'm distracting you.'

'But I'm bored.'

'Rivers, concentrate.!.!'

'Are we in second name basis now?'

'It seems strict enough in my head.'

'Well, tell me something. How is your day with Sandy today?'

'Well....' and that's what they did all the meetings he attended. He just couldn't stop talking with Tyron. Sandra is now 10 months crawling all around and eating anything she sees.

The past 4 months has had their friendship grow. They are really close now unlike the other bodyguard he hired before him. The twins are now almost done with with their fighting teachings and Tyron still can't do chores. It's always up to Markus. Though they are all now satisfied with their lives.

Happiness, security and peace is all Markus wanted for his family, for his children and he got it. He lifted his head and smiled watching the kids playing with Tyron and smiled.

"What?" Tyron asked coming to sit at the other side of the table.

"Thank you." Markus said his attention moving from the kids to Tyron.


"I've never seen them happy being around someone other than me." Markus said then turned to the computer. "Thank you for bringing happiness in my life. Their lives."

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