broken trust

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Markus stood next to the bed holding Tyron's hand silently. He hasn't eaten or drank anything. He didn't need them, he needed Tyron. If this is what Tyron felt when he was gone then it hurt so bad. He dropped a tear knowing that it was all his fault.

Victor, just like his father, he stood there holding Calvin's hand. It was definitely his fault. He was the one that brought danger to him, they wanted him. Not Calvin.

Tryzah cried silently holding tightly to Fidel's hand. She knew that if she wasn't the Royals guardian, Fidel wouldn't be in this position right now. She wanted her soul mate back, she wanted her protector back, she wanted her best friend back, she wanted her lover back. She wanted Fidel back.

"Hello?" Tryzah answered the phone seeing that it was his brother.

"Hey Tryzah, are you okay?" Victor asked keeping a sad smile. He was trying to show his sister how strong he was even though she hasn't told him what happened there, she couldn't just tell them and add more problems into the family.

"I'm okay. How is Calvin?" Victor shrugged.

"The same." He whispered. "Not a single change. When are you coming back home? I need you."

"I can't, not now but will soon be there. I promise." She said giving a smile.

"I miss you siz."

"I miss you too. How are you holding?" She asked.

"I don't know Tryzah. I feel like I'm holding on to a piece of thread which is snapping each day that passes and he's not waking up. I'm getting restless." He said rubbing his face. "I'm tired, broken I don't even know what I'm feeling."

"Everything will be okay Victor. I trust in your bond, he will heal and plus having Sky there with you is helping a lot right?"


"How's dad?"

"I don't think I'm going through as much as he is. He is devastated. He has been crying himself to sleep if not, he just sits and waits. So is Hector. They just are the same. He is going to break soon."

"Sir, he is awake. He is asking for you." A nurse said coming in. Tryzah hanged up too since she had received the same message from Trevor and so did their father.

"Markus, I'm okay my love. Stop crying." Markus couldn't stop. He had lost him, he thought he would never see him again. He hugged him tighter.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

"It was never your fault. Just relax, I'm fine and everything is gonna be okay." Markus nodded. "I miss the kids, where are they?"

"Calvin was shot, Tryzah is still in England, Hector is outside so is Sandy." He said his hand going through his hair. "Get well faster okay?"

"I will. I promise." He kissed him again.

"Calvin, I thought I lost you." Victor kissed him slowly wrapping his hand around him.

"You are not getting rid of me that easily." Calvin said resting his chin on Victor's head. "Did loosing me hurt you that much?" Victor nodded.

"It did, I don't think I would ever live without you." Victor said enjoying Calvin's heartbeats. "I love you."

"I love you too babe." Calvin kissed his forehead.

"It's been a while since I heard from her. Something is wrong." Markus said walking in circles. "She is not answering my calls." He threw the phone on the coach.

"Relax Markus. Maybe she has exams?" Tyron asked but Markus shook his head. He knew something was up.

"Tyron, Markus." Cyrus entered the office. "The bodies, there were scratches and bites. An animal, animals helped you out that day. You are lucky."

Against All OddsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang