I wanna dance with you

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Markus has been missing.

Tyron is torn between finding him and protecting the kids. There are people watching his every move. These people are so powerful that when he went to report at the police station, they just ignored him. Now it's up to him and only him. That's what he thought.

"Sign this." A grumpy guy pushed the paper to Markus whose face was bruised so bad that he needed medical attention.

He knew who did this and he knew what they wanted. He didn't know why they wanted his fortune yet they had everything they wanted in life. Even power, wait, that's what they wanted. Apart from owning restaurants, he also had the power to change a government's decision. He had powerful people inside the government eating from his palm since he accidentally found out their secretes and so made allies making his word much important though he never uses it. That's how he gain respect and fear. If anyone succeeds into getting into his seat, then he might exploit it and ruin everything.

"He said sign it." Another guy punched his face. It did hurt pretty bad but he managed to give a smirk. "He won't sign it. He hasn't spoken ever since he came either."

"Hmm hi Markie." He lifted his head and looked at the woman with disgust. "I see you got yourself a new toy." She threw some photos on the table. He chuckled shaking his head. "Well, you sign them or he's gone." He hit his chair back hitting the guy behind him and they struggled for a while till he gave up.

"Dude, I can't see my phone." The guy who was hit by Markus complained searching his pockets.

"You always misplace it. I saw it at the car." They both left for the said car leaving a smirking Markus back.

At the house Tyron had already taken the kids to the one place he knew they will be safe as he prepared to look for him. But his phone rang. He rarely answers unknown numbers but the situation he was, answering unknown numbers might lead him to where Markus was.

"From Pink Bakery 15 minutes a right turn. Take another right turn 10 minutes later. Drive 60 minutes then off tarmac to a rough road. 15 minutes gravel then turn right back to smooth road you'll see an old warehouse." Markus spoke as fast as he could.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes, kids?"

"They are okay. See you." He hung up and threw the phone at the far corner as he could with his tied hands after he deleted his call and stayed put pretending to sleep.

Tyron on the other hand was driving like a maniac almost missing the rough road but getting back on track. It had taken him less than an hour to reach there and was lucky to not have been stopped by the police.

He snuck in and checked everything before returning to his plan. He needed one because it was him against a lot of people. He managed to sneak in between a switch before hitting another at the head till he collapsed. He then got in trying his best to avoid cameras and the people. All this is thanks to his experience of being a spy for the government. He found himself in the CCTV room after knocking out other guards.

They had cameras all over. He checked the pattern of the guards around the place then his eyes landed on Markus who was being held upside down and being used as a punching bag. That made his blood boil and insanely mad. He checked the bullets and also picked the guns the two had before readying himself. When ever he was angry, he would kill everyone. No one messes with the people he loved.

"Markus, are you okay?" Markus raised an eyebrow looking at him with a black eye and busted lip. "Yeah, dumb question."

"I thought I would never see you." Markus hugged him tight not thinking twice. He smiled when Tyron hugged him back. It was just a friendly hug according to them but it held more meaning than they thought and Markus needed the support but wouldn't admit it. More people started trying to get into the room.

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