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He stood there awkwardly holding a single blue rose. He didn't know who to expect. He knew Daniel had retired and he was joining the hotel at the customer care office. It was something he was good at. He swayed by the heels of his boot before deciding to sit on the coach.

"Sir, what's your name?" The receptionist asked at last being able to finish with the customer.

"Victor Rivers." He said.

"Okay. What kind of a room are you looking for?" She asked typing on the computer.

"I'm here for internship."

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. Let me get the manager." She placed the phone down. "There he is." He turned around and thanks to him holding his suitcase, he didn't fall.

"Victor?" There stood his lover, his best friend looking good in a three piece suit. "What are you doing here?"

"You... I..." He couldn't form a straight sentence.

"Hey babe." A guy kissed his cheek and wrapped his hand on his waist. "What's up?"

"Hi. Victor is here." Calvin said awkwardly.

"Victor?" The guy turned and he took a step back. "Hey, remember me? I'm Brandon."

"Hi Brandon. I remember you." He said politely.

"I'm sorry about high school. I was childish and was looking for attention, please forgive me." Victor waved his hand to dismiss it. "Any way, as you catch up, I'm leaving I have work to do. Good bye love." He kissed Calvin on the lips to which he smiled.

"See you Brandon." He said and waved at him before turning to Victor. He looked at the blue rose he held. "Come on, let's go to my office." They both entered and sat.

"Tyron sent me here." Victor said breaking the silence.

"What? I didn't know. What happened?" Calvin asked.

"Dad is said to be dead but we think it's a plot. Tyron is going to try and find him." Calvin looked shocked.

"How are you?"

"I'm okay." Victor shrugged. "Here's a letter for transfer." He handed Calvin a letter then the phone rung. "Tyron."

"Tryzah landed safely, so did Sandy and Hector. Did you?" Tyron spoke.

"Yes, I am.okay. I'm here with Calvin."

"Hey Calvin, take care of him and before you say it. I'm fine. We'll talk later." He hung up.

"I miss them. I missed you." Calvin said.

"Yeah, we missed you too." Victor said. "So, Brandon huh?"

"Yeah, he is now my boyfriend." Victor kept a calm face though his heart felt like it was being stabbed.

"That's cool." He said casually. "I'm tired. Can I get a room here?"

"Yeah, you choose." Calvin said rubbing his chin. "We'll talk later." Victor stood. "Is that mine?"

"Yeah, I guess so." He said handing him the flower. He was tired and needed rest. Calvin on the other hand was confused. He didn't think that, even after not seeing Victor for a year, he will awake the feelings inside him. He was happy with Brandon. He really liked him, he was funny, sweet, strong, nice, great in bed and all the other qualities he wanted. He wasn't afraid of confessing his feelings, he was straight forward with what he wants unlike Victor yet thinking of Victor struck another cord in his heart.

Tyron stepped into the now empty house. It now looks bigger than when they were with everyone. He went to the kitchen and drank water. Every single place in the house reminded him of Markus and it hurt him so bad. He missed him, he missed them, he missed his family already. He sat down against the wall.

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