apparently my boyfriend

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Life was great after they chose to date. Markus and Tyron were happy, the threats seem to have lessened mostly because they had Tyron with them and also now the twins could defend themselves. There had been an attempt of kidnap but the twins managed to handle themselves well but their father is still overprotective of them and so is their step dad, as Tryzah puts it.

"We have 15 minutes. Tryzah, get in and meet your friends. I need to talk to your brother." Tyron said and Tryzah did so and he immediately turned to Victor. "Tell me, what's wrong?"

"What are you talking about Tyron?" Victor asked looking at the window.

"I know you Victor, you might be good at schooling your features like your father but I read through you. Now, tell me. What's going on?"

"Nothing." Tyron sighed. "I just can't tell you. I can handle it."

"Okay, but don't forget if anything goes wrong. Don't hesitate to call me okay?" Victor nodded. Tyron ruffled his hair a little. "I'll Always be here." He said smiling at him.

"Thank you." Victor said and got out of the car and watched the car pull out. He lifted the heavy bag to his shoulder and turned to the school he hated the most. He can't change it now. His sister loves it here, he made his father transfer him to this public school and didn't want to bother him more. He already had enough on his plate with his grandparents and mother.

He got into the school and dropped his head rushing to his locker hopping that he won't be spotted. He placed the heavy bag in the locker and started getting the next lesson's books. Just as he was closing the locker, he was pushed foward then turned and pushed back making his head hit the lockers hard.

"Where the fuck is my assignment fag?" Brandon growled. He enjoyed bullying the young ones into doing what he wanted and earn respect among the students. He and his gang loved picking on Victor because he was an easy target. Victor could fight back, it's just that he promised his father that he would be good at school and wouldn't start any fight and that is the root of him now being bullied.

"You, said it was until Friday. I'm almost done." He said pulling at his sleeves. He was holding back so much more and one more tug at the string he would snap.

"You had a whole fucking weekend. I want it finished now." The bell rung.

"But I have class now." He whispered looking at the books that had fallen. His head was pushed against the lockers again. His head was aching by now. Then he was kicked at the stomach making him crouch.

"Enough." A voice bellowed through the empty halls. "Let him go Brandon."

"Stay the fuck out of it Calvin." Said person came and pushed Brandon away. "The fuck?" The gang seemed ready to beat the duo but Calvin didn't seem to care. He took the younger one's head and turned it slowly checking for injuries and he was shocked to see bleeding.

"Can you stand?" Victor nodded trying to stand with the help of Calvin.

"Calvin. Let him go. I need to teach him a lesson." Brandon said moving closer to the duo being backed up by his gang.

"No, I won't. You stay away from my boyfriend Brandon." Everyone was shocked even Victor, the said boyfriend, moved back to look carefully at the person speaking. "And if I hear you calling him a fag or those weird names again, if I see you close to him or look at his direction I'll kill you. You know I won't hesitate." Brandon was shaken and so were his pals.

"Are you gay?" He asked in shock. Before backing up with his group. His face though showed more of sadness and defeat than horror and disgust.

"What? are you dumb? I just said he is my boyfriend." Calvin sighed. "Now get out of my sight." The others ran but Brandon hesitated a little before following the others. "Come on, let me get you the nurse." He didn't take another step before Victor fell unconscious in his arms.

"Hey Victor?" A voice spoke on the other side of the phone. He had taken victors phone and speed dialled 1.

"Um... hello?" He said through the phone.

"Who are you and why do you have Victor's phone?" The voice turned dark and dangerous.

"Sir, I'm a schoolmate of his and he is in the clinic right now."

"I'm on my way." Tyron cut him off taking Sandra with him and drove fast to school. Markus was in a meeting and he didn't want him worrying about anything. He met a young boy dark skinned and gray eyes seated at the waiting area. "What happened?" Calvin stood fast facing the person in front of him.

"I think he should tell you that himself." Tyron pushed the curtain and got in finding the nurse finishing bandaging his head.

"Here, take these pills but if the headaches persist, go to the hospital." She turned and almost jumped high. "Mr Tyron." He wasn't shocked they did know his name. She started fixing herself up by pushing her boobs up and playing with her hair biting her lower lip to which she thought was seductive.

"He's taken." Victor said in a horse voice. "Don't even bother."

"Well, you heard the kid. I need to see him please." Tyron said sidestepping her without giving her a glance and towards Victor. "How are you? Does it hurt? Do I need to take you to the hospital?" He asked looking at the bandage.

"That's dad's job." Tyron chuckled nodding. "Did you tell him?" He shook his head.

"We are skipping school today. Come on, we'll take your friend too so you tell me what happened. No secrets remember?"

"No secrets." Tyron nodded and hugged Victor.

"I was worried sick you know?" He said rufling his hair. "We'll say it was an accident okay?" Victor smiled and just then Calvin entered.

"Tyron, meet Calvin, he is, aparantly my boyfriend." Victor shook his head and Tyron looked around confused. "Calvin, this is my step dad, Tyron."

"Okay." He shook Calvin's hand. "Hurt him, I'll kill you." He said smiling but that smile spelled death with Every word that came out.

"Okay, sir." Calvin gulped.

"Tyron, call me Tyron okay." Tyron said his mood changing so fast confusing Calvin. "Let me go tell the principal."

"Wow, he seems cool." Calvin said after Tyron left.

"He is once you get to know him well. He actually is my best friend." Victor said smiling.

"So, how are you feeling?" Calvin asked now looking worried.

"Why did you help me?" He asked before he got distracted.

"My sister made me." Victor sighed. He didn't do it intentionally, he was pushed to. "Oh, my sister pushed me into being your boyfriend. About stopping them, let's just say I hate bullies." Victor lit up hearing that but keep a calm expression.

"Thank you." Then he remembered who her sister was. "Wait... Your sister is..."

"Doreen? Yes. I know you like her ever since I first saw you. You really couldn't hide your feelings but I don't want you to get heart broken so I'm going to tell you something. She is engaged, she loves her boyfriend."  Victor felt his heart deflate. "I don't want you keeping hopes for someone who is taken."

"Let's go get ice cream." Tyron got in the room. They all went out and Victor explained everything but had to calm Tyron down. He was almost going back to school to beat the shit out of Brandon but then was glad Calvin was there. He was now not supporting the rule of no fighting at school by his beloved.

Against All Oddsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن