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"Hey morning." Tyron groaned stretching.

"It's afternoon already." Markus said jumping on the bed. He kissed Tyron's nose. "How was your sleep?"

"It was okay. I need a shower." He stood but he did it too fast. His back hurt.

"Come on, let me help you." He took him to the bathroom and started shampooing his hair.

"Umm Markus." Markus hummed in response massaging his head. "This feels good."

"What's wrong?" Markus asked taking the shower head spraying his hair.

"I.. I found out I have a son yesterday." He said lowering his eyes.

"Yeah, Martha told me that yesterday. Wait, you didn't know about it?" Tyron nodded. "How did you know?"

"Lewis, my ex contacted my mother and um... He said some people were asking about me and aparantly my son looks just like me. So mum called me." Tyron relaxed seeing that Markus wasn't angry at him.

"I thought you've known you are gay since your 12." Markus scrubbed his body.

"Yeah, I have never slept with a woman before. That's why I need to go ask Lewis about it." Tyron turned to face Markus letting the water rinse him off.

"Well, you could go today." Markus said. "The kids are already at school, I left Calvin in charge today so I can get the kids out of school." Tyron looked into his eyes smiling. He was happy.

"But, I don't want to go alone. I want my fiancee with me." Tyron said entwaining their fingers. "I want you there with me."

"Okay, I'm guessing you are feeling okay now." Tyron nodded. "Good, let me fix you something to eat before we go." He wrapped a towel around Tyron.

"Hey Tyron. I guessed you received my message." Lewis looked good as always. He was short, beautiful big round doe eyes and natural red fluffy hair just a little thin and looking sick? Markus was feeling a little challanged by him. "Umm... welcome."

"Hi Lewis, this is my fiancee, Markus." Markus stretched his hand which was received. It was akward.

"How have you been?" Tyron asked getting in and following him to the kitchen.

"I've been okay ish." He answered looking into the fridge. "I'm not allowed alcohol, will juice do?" They both nodded. "I heard you joined military. How's that going?"

"I retired. But it was great." Tyron said playing with his golden ring.

"Okay." Lewis nodded.

"So, where's my son?" Tyron asked.

"You mean our son?" Liam asked giving them a glass of juice to each.

"What do you mean?" Tyron asked confused.

"I got pregnant." Lewis said looking at his glass.

"Stop messing with me Lewis. It ain't funny." Tyron was getting mad with Every minute that passed. "You are a guy. That's impossible."

"It's possible. They said I had a womb in me. I don't remember the rest but the day you saw me with her." Lewis went silent for a while composing himself. He worked hard to collect himself and stand up.

"I'm going to, uh smoke?" Markus felt like he didn't belong there. He was the unwanted third party.

"No, you stay." Tyron held his hand. "Please." Markus sighed and nodded. "Plus you don't smoke. Lewis, explain everything to me now.

"Remember the last time you saw me? You insisted that I go see a doctor because I looked sick and I had vomited my food 3 times. I did go see a doctor and found out that I was pregnant. Wait." He ran upstairs then came down with a box and gave it to Tyron. "That's the medical report, ultra sound and some photos after I gave birth to Hector. The day I found out I was pregnant my father insisted that I let you go. He knew you would think of me as a freak and abandon me or worse of all hurt me or the baby."

"You know me well Lewis. You shouldn't have hidden this from me. I would have been there for the both of you. I loved you." Tyron said sounding disappointed. Markus didn't know what to feel at the moment.

"I know Tyron. I realised it too late and by the time I had gotten to your home you were gone." Lewis said his mind back to how he felt when he knew Tyron was gone.

"Why hide it till now? You should have contacted my mum."

"I was scared okay. I knew you wanted to be a big crime investigator one day and the army would produce a chance for you. I didn't want to ruin that. I was also scared of rejection from you." Tyron looked at the documents in his hands.

"It's okay. It's in the past now. Where is he?" He asked lifting his head.

"He should have been here. And father might have bad mouthed you." Tyron chuckled.

"That old man never liked me." He looked around. "Where is he?"

"He is dead. He died 4 years ago." Tyron made an o with his mouth.

"I'm sorry." Tyron said.

"Why?" Lewis asked drinking water.

"I don't know it seemed like the right thing to say." They both chuckled trying to clear the air. Markus was still uncomfortable. What if he looses him to his family? They are a family right? Tyron, Liam and their son. It sounded a family to him.

"I'm home." A voice rung then footsteps led to the kitchen. "Father, I'm..." He cut himself short as he looked at the strangers in his kitchen.

"Hey Hector. Come sit." Hector's eyes were glued on Tyron. He didn't know what was going on but he knew the guy was involved. "Hector, meet your father, Tyron."

"Hi." Tyron said. His grip on Markus growing tight. He was nervous, excited and most of all happy. His mother was right, he really did look like him.

"Get out of my house." Hector said crossing his arms.

"Uhm what?" Tyron asked the same time Lewis said. "Hector!!"

"What? Do you expect me to be happy and come hug you crying? Hell no. I am not allowing a man who abandoned my father when he was pregnant, because he was pregnant. A man who pretended that we didn't exist till now. A man who broke my father's heart who even with the few months left, couldn't fall in love again yet you bring... him. Your husband? Is this for show off? Well done it worked now leave." He pointed at the door.

"Hector. I didn't know that you existed till yesterday." Tyron said looking at him.

"Get out of my house. I don't need your lies now." He turned to his father, Lewis. "Let's get you to your room Father. Your medications is due."

"Go, I'll talk to him." Lewis whispered then followed Hector.

"I'll drop you off at the hotel then I'll get the kids okay?" Markus said as they got in the car. Tyron let out a sigh.

"I don't know what I'd be if I didn't have you." He said turning to his fiancee. "I'm sorry about all that happened in the house."

"It's not your fault Tyron. He'll come around soon." Markus said and kissed his knuckles. "How are you?" Tyron shrugged and he understood. "Let's go."

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