blue roses

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"So, what happened?" Dean asked as he watched the unusually quiet and sad Tyron in front of him. He already knew what might have happened. He pushed this though. He knew how he felt for the hot white rich guy everyone wanted yet he pushed him into giving in.

"I think I just ruined my life." Tyron said after a while. His mind going over and over what had happened yesterday. The only floating balloon of hope in his life was popped by a pin. His heart which was always pumping in joy fell silent. It felt hollow on his heart. That's who he was, someone who exaggerated his feelings and over reacted over anything going on in his life.

"So, what are you going to do?" Dean asked worried about the younger man in front of him.

"Can I get a leave?" He asked his eyes shining with hope. "Better yet, can I get an early retirement?"

"Why?" Dean asked confused. "You don't have to leave. I can grant you both but I'll give you 3 months to sort yourself out first."

"Thank you." Tyron stood and left dragging his feet. He was greatful he didn't have a car because he would have caused an accident at the way his mind keeps on drifting to one person.

He looked at his messy home. He didn't know where to start. The past two weeks, he'd sit and watch Netflix ordering food then sleep, eat watch Netflix then sleep. His house looked like a pig sty. He needed to do something but just as he had started picking up a box of pizza, the door bell rang so he dropped it and went to the door.

"Hey." The person he expected least, the person he loved stood at the front of his door.

"Hey?" He whispered wondering what he was doing at his place.

"These are for you." A bouquet of blue flowers were handed to him. Markus then took a step back worried. Tyron looked shocked out of words.

"Thanks? What's going on?" Tyron thought it was a dream. His once dead heart was beating furiously. "Why are you here?"

"I... um..." Markus started shyly. He was always shy whenever he was nervous and always played with the ring on his thumb. "Well, someone was always sad and grumpy and fussy so we came to see you. The person misses you greatly." That's when Tyron noticed the little girl standing next to Markus.

"Dada." She squealed running to him. He opened his arms and hugged her tight. He missed her too.

"Hey tiny. How have you been? I missed you too." He said lifting her. "Come in, I was actually starting to clean up." They got in and Markus shrunk up his nose.

"When was the last time you cleaned up?" He looked around worried. He removed a sushi carton before dusting the coach. "Come on I'll help you clean up okay." Tyron beamed bouncing Sandra up and down. They did play, clean up and by the time they were done, it was almost time for Markus to go.

"A storm is coming, are you going to be fine?" He asked concerned. Tyron nodded smiling managing to convince Markus.

"What happened with Victor?" He asked trying to get the topic off him.

"There was a day they were kidnapped. I had already gotten them and when we were outside, there was thunder and lightning. Just as the thunder roared, a gun was shot and I was on my knees. So, every time it would roar he would look for us to see if we were still okay because that injury killed me 3 times apparently." Tyron turned to him in awe. He saw him as a hero who would do anything to protect his family. A strong person who would go through anything even death just so as to see his family. A person of love, he would jump in front of a train for someone he loves.

"Oh." He just said trying to keep the feelings bubbling inside of him.

"Look at the time. We have to go get the kids." Markus stood carrying a sleepy Sandra. "Good bye Tyron, see you soon." He said opening the door.

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