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It has been 3 months ever since the incident and they were happy to have relaxed from the troubles they had. Well, that was about to change and Markus thought so too. He had a family gathering to be, his family gathering to be at. He really didn't want to go there but he was guilt tripped into it.

"Are you guys done?" He shouted and everyone came out.

"Do we have to, I hate them." Victor said sulking just like his sister.

"Hate is a strong word Victor. They are your family too." Markus said ruffling his hair a little bit. "There."

"But, I rather stay here and watch Tyron try to cook or wash the dishes." He crossed his arms.

"Hey, that's not fair. What about watching Tryzah trying to blow dry her hair?" The two laughed.

"Daddy." Tryzah whined.

"Come on, enough jokes. We are going." Markus said picking up Sandra and heading for the door.

"Are your parents that bad?" Tyron whispered next to him.

"Yes." Was all Markus said putting a hard mask on his face and Tyron knew then that something was definitely wrong.

"Son." An overly drawn high pitch voice rang. She ran over and hugged him then turned to the kids and pinched their cheeks but like their father, they schooled a blank face.

"Mother." Markus said moving to the side trying to get into the house. The rest followed in including Tyron but his mother held him back.

"I didn't know that you brought guests?" She said looking at Tyron from head to toe.

"This is Tyron. My children's bodyguard, wherever they go, he goes. And he is family to me so he's coming as a member of MY family."

"Oh." She gave a fake smile moving aside for Tyron to get in. Markus made him sit next to him since he was holding Sandra. Everyone seemed uncomfortable in the table. He noted the people around him. There was, at the head of the table, probably Markus' father, then his mother, then a lady who looked like him but younger with a man holding her hand, another lady and a man who had hair like his, a teenager who seemed to want to be anywhere but here, a fat lady close to equally fat guy, a classy lady who didn't seem to stop chatting in hushed tones with another lady. An older version of Markus at the other end with a fashionable lady next to him, a kid around 10 next to the lady, the lady charting with the classy one then them, Victor, Tryzah, Tyron then Markus, another gentleman next to him talking to another next to him seeming not to notice the tension in the room.

"So, let's start." His father said hitting his glass with a knife. "We are greatful that you all joined us today. Welcome back home kids." Markus and Victor rolled their eyes. He sat down and they started serving food. Tyron started feeding Sandra.

"Wow, Markus. You got yourself a nanny?" The classy one asked. "And a black one for that matter? I need one too just tell me where you got... him." Tyron and Markus gritted their teeth.

"He's not my nanny. Sandra just likes him more than her family." He said cutting the meat a little too hard.

"You know my friend had a black maid. They are good slaves. They do every thing you say.  So I ordered for one too. They are soo desperate that they agreed to the conditions, I had to whip her yesterday for allowing Lyn to break my plate." The fat lady said.

"That's right Tanya. You show them who is their boss. They really are this creatures who think that they can be superior. They should be banned from our country." Markus' mum said nodding as if she had made a very important point. Markus held Tyron's hand which was holding his tighter. He was getting angry.

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