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It had been two weeks since the confirmed death of the person who had his heart. He was broken and lost sense of life. He is only alive because of little Sandra and
Hector who are still in school.

"Come on Tyron. Eat something." Victor said jumping on the bed that held more memories of them together. Tyron had searched high and low for his body till they found a burnt body. He didn't want to believe it was him so he went on searching.

"Ty Ty?" The little sad voice had him turning. "Dada?"

"Come here." She also joined on the bed and cuddled him. "I'm sorry. I should be taking care of you. I'm sorry."

"He left an order. We will take care of you. I promise." Victor said. "Now, come on. Eat this then we make Tryzah eat too okay?" Tyron nodded. He needed to be strong, for the kids.

"You are a good cook." Tyron said eating little. It was the first time he ate ever since he received the call. "Just like your father."

"Do you think it was an accident?" Victor asked.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, let's see. Everyone knew that dad was going to England that day, dad was worried that my grandparents were silent then all of a sudden, you get a call from grandpa, who is a big racist, hated you, saying that he had an accident. You look for a body but it is found burnt." Tyron went silent thinking. Victor was making sense, all this seemed planned. He hadn't had time to think through everything with the whole breaking of his heart.

"Dude, you have good observing skills." Tyron said. "I guess you are thinking of what I'm thinking." Victor nodded. "There is a possibility he is still alive, we didn't even take a DNA or did an autopsy."

"But, it's late. We won't know what happened. We already cremated the body." Victor said.

"Yeah, but I know his father wouldn't kill him. They all want his hotel and power and that would need his approval. Do you know anything about a will?" Tyron asked. "I'm going to make them bring back Markus."

"I don't know but we'll see his lawyer." Tyron nodded.

"Let's go make Tryzah eat." They tried and lastly she did agree and the four of them found themselves passed put on her bed till Hector came and woke them.

"Tyron, there's a guy saying that he's Markus lawyer. His name was Elvis." He said going back to finish his homework.

"Hey Elvis."Tyron said through the phone.

"Hi Tyron, can you come to my office like, tomorrow?" He asked.

"Yeah sure. Hope you don't have any problems."

"No, it's time for the will." Tyron held his breath. "10 am tomorrow?"

"Okay." He went to call the kids to his room. "Guys, tomorrow after we hear the will, I'm sending you away okay? If Markus left things under my name, the Rivers will fight for it and it might get nasty so I want you safe. If they get Every thing, I want you away and safe okay?"

"What about you. You know they hate you." Tryzah asked.

"I can take care of myself kids. Don't worry." Tyron said. "Victor, you are going to Paris. I'm sure he'll protect you with his own life. Tryzah, you and Fidel will go to England, to the university you both applied. Please be safe. I'll send someone there to protect you. Sandra, Hector. I can stay with the both of you but you'll stay with my mother for a while. I'll come for you after 2 weeks. Understood?"

"But, I can protect myself." Tryzah said.

"Me too." Hector and Victor said.

"No, I'll bring you back as soon as it clears up, I promise. I just need to settle the storm that is coming." Tyron said with finality.

"Who'll take care of you?" Victor asked worried.

"I promise I will not cook." He sighed. "Hopefully this goes well."

"It will." Hector said. "Let's go to the hotel first, we enjoy something good then."

"Yeah. That's a good idea." They went to the hotel and immediately was met with Markus' family. "This was a bad idea." Tyron finished.

"What are you doing here?" Markus' mum asked her eyes narrowed. "You killed my son." That had worked the past two weeks but now he has his eyes on the family.

"I'm here to treat my children." Tyron said his head held high. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm here to take care of our business." His father said arrogantly.

"So, the hotel is yours too?" Tyron asked his face still blank.

"You have no relations to him. So, as the family. We take over Every thing." The mother said her hand on her hip. "Give us the key and code to his office." His office was impenetrable. It was designed that only his and Tyron's fingerprints would open it after using a Key and putting in codes.

"I won't, I will give you them after tomorrow's meeting." The two looked shocked. "You didn't think that I was invited too right? Kids let's go disturb Jean."

"Hold it right there. You are not getting your filthy self in here." His mother said calling the guards.

"Watch me." Tyron said taking Tryzah's hand. "Oh, hey Brad."

"Hello sir. Welcome." They left.

"You did fine." Tryzah said patting his shaking hand. "We'll know tomorrow."

"We are gathered here to hear the will of Mr Markus Rivers. He has 9 chains of restaurants amounting to a total of 28 billion USD. His insurances which amounts to 4 million USD and house at Beverly hills. All of this has been placed under Tyron's name." Elvis said. "For his parents, he left the yatch under your name." They had claimed it as theirs after all. "I Markus Rivers entrusts all of my possessions to Tyron. I only trust him with everything till when the children are old enough to inherit them.  The children as the papers say, are under your custody. Only you are to take care of them in the only possible way."

"No, this is not the truth. We are his family. Not this black lowlife thief. What did you do to get his signature." Mrs Rivers said. "I'll make you wish you never met him. Everything of his is ours."

"Please sit down Mrs Rivers. If you have a problem with his statement, let your lawyers call me."

"Are we done?" Tyron asked and his lawyer nodded. "Thank you Elvis. Kids, let's go." He said ignoring the people calling his name. He ignored all the foul words thrown at him but walked foward. He knew they will bring Markus back and try to manipulate him into giving them his properties. He was shocked, he didn't know that Markus was this expensive. He was shocked at how he was going to handle everything by himself but he had to have faith in himself.

"Are you all packed?" He asked opening the SUV.

"Yeah." they all murmured. They went ahead and picked Fidel before heading for the airport ensuring no one was following him.

"Know that I love you so much, if you need me. Call me and I'll be there okay?" They all nodded. "I will bring dad back I promise and I won't cook. Rest assured Victor." Victor sighed and they all laughed. "Go on Tryzah, you and Fidel, take care." Tryzah hugged him tight.

"I love you. Take good care of yourself." She whispered before giving everyone a kiss on the cheek. "Good bye." She left.

"Hector, Sandra. You are next." He handed Sandra to him. "Hector, take good care of her for me. Don't let her out of your sight okay?"

"Yes father. Stay alive." Tyron kissed their foreheads before letting them go.

"Victor. Thanks for everything." Tyron said smiling.

"I should be the one thanking you. For coming into my life." He hugged him. "Find dad, bring him back okay?" Tyron nodded. "Please remember to eat and avoid fights okay?" He nodded.

"I will, oh. Buy a blue rose when you reach there. Just one and give it to the manager. He'll love it." Tyron added. "I'll miss you."

"We all will miss you. I will buy the rose." Victor said giving him another hug before leaving. "Stay safe."

"I will."

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